The Present Continuous and The Simple Present to Express Future Time
Present Continuous Form: Be+ V+ ing For planned event or for definite intention, the present continuous may indicate future time. The use of the present continuous is common with a future time expression like tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.
Present Continuous Statements: These stores are moving to Al-Tahlia street next month. The town council isn’t meeting next week.
Questions: The be form of the verb( is/ are/ am) comes before the subject. Where are we meeting tonight? Aren’t you going downtown this weekend?
The Simple Present for Future Time Form: the simple form of the verb ( infinitive) But if the subject is singular we add –s to the verb. The simple present can express future time in sentences about scheduled events. A time expression or the context makes the future time clear. Only a few verbs are used this way. These include: open, close, begin, end, start, finish, arrive, leave, come and return.
Statements: The program begins at 8:00 I leave town on Friday Statements: The program begins at 8:00 I leave town on Friday. His train arrives at 3:00. The museum opens at 9:00 tomorrow.
Questions: The do form of the verb ( do/does) comes before the subject Questions: The do form of the verb ( do/does) comes before the subject. When does the program begin? Does the museum open at the usual time tomorrow? When do the lectures start tomorrow?