Xavier Sosnowska Luxemburg, 2007-11-13 Rich internet applications for the visualisation of statistics on the European Central Bank web site: the use of Flex 2 and the ECB SDMX-ML browser Xavier Sosnowska Luxemburg, 2007-11-13
Objectives Improve understanding of statistics: Improve data visualisation Improve data accessibility Adopt “story-telling" approach
ECB applications using Flex Currently, two applications make use of Flex: Bilateral exchange rates (2007-04) Euro area yield curves (2007-07) Using data published in SDMX-ML v2 Compact format
Exchange rates (1): Improvements Most popular section on the ECB website. Improved both data accessibility and visualisation. More information (latest observation, growth rates) Hovering functionality that shows the value for each observation Possibility to view data for predefined periods Possibility to define own period (period slider) Possibility to switch base currency Data available in SDMX-ML Compact format (compressed and uncompressed) for easy processing
Exchange rates (2): Further developments Change the frequency Compare currencies developments Add a data table and a calendar view
Euro area yield curves Second Flex application put in production. Released July 2007.
Development of building blocks Move away from ad-hoc developments, to speed up development time. 3 layers: The readers: possibility to parse data files in the SDMX-ML Compact and Structure formats The model: translation of the extracted data into artefacts of the SDMX Information Model The views: visualisation of the data (charts, tables, metadata panels, etc)
Possible uses SDMX browser SDMX Web services client Tool to view most popular ECB statistics (“story-telling” approach) Charts on the Statistical Data Warehouse