Be Careful Soviet Invasion American Communists
The goal of this task It’s easy for me to tell you why McCarthyism is wrong, or why it was bad, but that’s only half the story. I want you to look at it and answer a few key questions: What compelled people to follow McCarthy? Why did he receive so much power? Why were people who opposed him vilified and shunned?
Issues and Controversies Research Tips Look up McCarthyism, become familiar with it Look up the House Committee on Un-American Activities HUAC…don’t ask Formulate an argument that aligns with McCarthy’s ideals, related to your topic. How would a McCarthy supporter view your topic? Pro –McCarthy folks need to try to keep the status quo Anti-McCarthy folks are not necessarily communist, but don’t fear it either Issues and Controversies
What you need to do Research McCarthyism Take notes on important aspects of McCarthyism Using your own powers of analysis, you should figure out what threats were posed by supporting McCarthyism, and also, why people may have bought in. Start at the Issues and Controversies in American History website… Feel free to do outside research, but you won’t get far searching “Pro-McCarthyism Gender Roles” on Google
Rubric A: at least a page of notes (bullet style, but use your preferred method) of great info from Issues and Controversies and at least 1 other source, 4-point thesis for the effect of McCarthyism per your role B: about a page of solid notes from I+C and a 3-point thesis C: some good notes and a thesis D: some useful notes and an attempt at a thesis
Discussion Rubric A: impressive listening and participation, awesomely in character according to your role B: solid listening and participation, in character according to your role C: listening, and a bit of participation D: obvious listening without distraction
Topic Pro-McCarthy Anti-McCarthy Gender Roles Brielle Zoey Hope Hannah Anthony Religion Kaliah Taylor C Taylor H Lilly Heidi Education Chase Jack Gabi Alya Hallie National Security Mel Lili Patrick Lindsay Media Marshall Nick August Erik Ethics/Morals Tim Koko Xavier Jacob Government Sam Bailee Kerrek Abby
Topic Pro-McCarthy Anti-McCarthy Gender Roles Ty Christian Dylan Mary Religion Tina Alex D Tatum Kevin Education Heidi Matilda Ethan M Annabelle National Security Dillon Alex F Mackenzie Tyler Media Ethan Drew Ray Anna Ethics/Morals Jaidyn Kyler Ting Colton Government Lars Alex H Emma
Topic Pro-McCarthy Anti-McCarthy Gender Roles Kai Sydney D Dylan Amber Religion Chandler Brian Cameron Megan Education Sydney Claire Claire M Luciana National Security Kevin Quinlan Mia Nicole Media Travis Mitchell Evgeny Anna Ethics/Morals Andrew Luke Allison Government Jency Krista Nikki
Topic Pro-McCarthy Anti-McCarthy Gender Roles Hailie Jake Josue Marissa Marlee Religion Kyler Zack Sophie Jaya Lenna Education Jackson Lindsay Spencer Russell Sam National Security Tristan Hunter Timothy Jasalyn Nicole Media Jared Clara Madison Thomas Ethics/Morals Megan Jacob Gabie Adrienne Government Nick Heaven Kailey Gus