Component Kits Checkout policy Storage Organization of kit components Key assignments Organization of kit components Return policy What happens if I “fry” something? Getting parts that are not in your kits Lab safety
Resistor Color Code Color code used to deduce resistance values: R = (first-color number) (second-color number) 10third-color number The first digit of the resistance is given by the color band closest to the end of the resistor The fourth color band gives the tolerance Silver = 10% Gold = 5% No fourth colored band: tolerance = 20% Fifth band indicates reliability rating (optional) (Introductory Electronics, Simpson, 2nd Ed.)
Circuit Breadboards Va bus Vb bus Vc bus ground bus All rows electrically connected
Tool Box
Multimeters Meter innards How to make/use an ammeter Provide “shunt” (parallel) resistance to the “meter movement” (guts of the meter) Place ammeter in series with circuit How to make/use a voltmeter Provide series resistance to the meter movement Place voltmeter in parallel with circuit (from Student Manual for The Art of Electronics, Hayes and Horowitz, 2nd Ed.)
Digital Oscilloscope
Function Generator
DC Power Supply