Human Population Dynamics Sample Project
Uganda: 2005 Population Graph 78 percent of Uganda’s entire population is under the age of 30, while 22 percent is above the age of 30. It can be assumed that the average life expectancy is relatively short due to disease and lack of medical care.
United States: 2005 Population Graph 41 percent of Americans are under the age of 30, while 59 percent are above the age of 30. It is safe to assume that the life expectancy in America is quite high.
Uganda: 2025 Population Graph Uganda is projected to have 77 percent of its population under the age of 30 in the year 2025, while 23 percent remains above the age of 30. Compared to Uganda’s 2005 population chart, the life expectancy remains the same, but the amount of children 0-4 greatly increases.
United States: 2025 Population Graph It is projected that 38 percent of Americans will be under the age of 30. The decrease of people under the age of 30 is due to the aging of the “baby boomer generation.”
Uganda vs. United States: 2005 In 2005 the life expectancy was far greater in the United States than in Uganda because of more sufficient household incomes, better medical technology and disease prevention. The population distribution in Uganda is greatest in the 0-4 age group, while the population in the United States is distributed most heavily in the age group of 40-45 year olds. This further emphasizes the effect of these three factors on population.
Uganda vs. United States: 2025 In the year 2025 Uganda’s graph is shaped the same the only change was the population size as a whole. In the year 2025 the United States there is projected to be an influx of the elderly as well as an overall population growth. Both of the countries share the common characteristic of an increase in overall population size, but Uganda’s average life expectancy remains low due to the prevalence of disease.
Factors that Affect Population Household income: This factor greatly impacts the population because it is necessary to acquire food. Without food there is no survival, creating a devastating problem in Uganda. In the United States, the average income of a household is $43,500, while in Uganda it is a mere $1,800.
Factors that Affect Population, cont. Medical Technology: The United States is at an all time high with both computer and medical technological advances, while Uganda imports what they can from generous countries. The United States created medical technology while Uganda has a hard enough time finding trained doctors to help the sick. Lack of medical technology is a primary factor in population dynamics, if not the most important of all.
Factors that Affect Population, cont. Disease Prevention: Is key in spreading knowledge and protection which leads to less annual deaths creating a larger population (especially in the higher age category). The United States has taken initiative and created the CDC (Center for Disease Control) to spread awareness and way of protection. Uganda has 4.1% of its population infected with aids, while the United States is only about .6%. This accounts for the lower life expectancy in Uganda.
Technology and Population Disease Vaccinations: This technology has immense capabilities, and large impacts on population dynamics. This specific advancement in technology is a positive advancement in population. When a disease is curable, the population will increase, especially in older people. Technology is a positive influence on population dynamics due to its ability to save lives and boost the number of elderly people.