Tam O’Shanter Rezoning Approval of a Rezoning for the establishment of a proposed religious facility at 6343 Tam O’Shanter Drive July 11, 2017- City Council
Tam O’Shanter Rezoning Project Site Rezone from IG to IL Tam O’Shanter Dr. Swain Road Rezone a 0.90-acre site from Industrial, General to Industrial, Limited to allow the establishment of a religious facility
Tam O’Shanter Rezoning Purpose Stockton Municipal Code - Religious facilities are not allowed in IG zone A religious facility is permitted as a by-right use in the IL zone Rezone from IG to IL will allow the establishment of the religious facility
Tam O’Shanter Rezoning Changing the Zoning will: Be consistent with the site’s Industrial General Plan designation (Industrial land uses); Result in a less-intensive land use than other uses that are permitted in the IG zoning district; Upgrade the existing building by the addition of security lighting on the exterior building and in the parking lot, providing a safer environment for the surrounding area; and Not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts related to traffic , noise , air quality and water quality.
RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed Ordinance to approve the rezoning from IG to IL, for property located at 6343 Tam O’Shanter Drive