First Days of School Lesson List: Classroom SOAR Transitions/Hallway Cafeteria Restrooms Locker Policy Arrival & Dismissal Bus Expectations Westport Behavior System Emergency Procedures Dress code Technology & Phone Policy Behavior Modeling Period
Classroom Soar
Transitions & Hallways
Hallway Transitions Goal: Students will conduct themselves in the hallways and restrooms in a respectful manner. Everyone (staff, students, visitors) should be treated with dignity and respect.
Student Procedures Students line up at door in single-file line. Wait for teacher to dismiss into the hallways. Students exit the class in line, and move in the direction of their next class, staying on the right, close to the lockers. During class transitions students are to go directly to their next class. Do not stop at lockers or go to the restroom. Any questions about lockers or restroom need to be asked once they are to their next class. Not in the hallway or as you are exiting the room!
During Class Hallway Transitions: If you are travelling with your class to lunch, the library, outside, the computer lab, auditorium, etc., be aware of the fact that there are other classes in sessions you are disturbing if your line is not respectful.
Stairwell Procedures: When traveling down the stairwells with your class, be aware of the echo. * The mirrors in the stairwell are very helpful when used properly.
Cafeteria Procedures 2016-2017
Student Procedures Walk to the cafeteria on a Level 0, in a line on the right side of the hallway Line up outside cafeteria and wait for permission to enter from cafeteria staff or teacher! Those who bring their lunch sit down immediately. Those buying will be directed to the appropriate line. No pushing or running- act your age! Use Level 2 voice (table talk) while eating All students are to remain in the cafeteria at all times. Table Captains will be assigned by your teachers to start next week.
Wait patiently in line! No pushing or cutting! Level 0!
Student Procedures cont. Do not get out of your seat. You must raise your hand and get permission before you get out of your seat. Make sure table and floor are clear of trash/food before dismissal. Cafeteria staff will come around with the trash cans, not students. NO FOOD OUTSIDE OF THE CAFERTERIA When dismissed, line up in designated area outside of the cafeteria (level 0). Walk on the right side of the hallway (level 0) back to the classroom.
Stay seated!!
Line up in your designated area quickly- it will be crowed & loud.
Most Importantly...Enjoy Your Lunch! Papa John’s day is Tuesday!
Sum It Up! L U N Clean your table/floor H Sum up what you just learned by completing the acronym below. The words must have something to do with what you learned about the cafeteria procedures and start with that letter. I did an example for you! L U N Clean your table/floor H
Lunch Seating Chart 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Entrance Exit Parking Lot NE 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Entrance Exit
Lunch Number Do you know your lunch number? It should be the same as your lunch number if you went to a JCPS last year.
Restroom Breaks Scheduled restroom breaks will be provided before 2nd period, 5th period (with lunch), and 7th period. The exact time varies depending on what teacher you have and how long the other classes take. CHANGE to this year! Ask Jordan.
Restroom Procedures Students line up in class on Voice level ONE. Students line up against lockers on wall opposite of restrooms. Important to keep hallway orderly. Teacher will send 3 boys and 3 girls in at a time. Move quickly, others are waiting on you!! Clean up after yourself!! Be respectful of our school! When finished line up where instructed by teacher. Maintain a level one until teacher tells you otherwise.
Locker Policy
Backpacks Lockers will be assigned next week. Lockers & locks are free and will be given to you by a team teacher. For today- ALL backpacks need to be placed under the tables.
Locker Expectations: Morning Locker Breaks: Students will go straight to their lockers and put their things away. Students will be in dress code and have ALL their materials for class. Students will go straight to related arts classes. Put all electronics away, OUT OF SIGHT. Afternoon Locker Breaks: Students will line up single-file inside the classroom at level 1. Students will file out into hallway on the right to their locker. Students will gather their things and return to their classroom quickly (3-5 minutes). EDIT FOR NEW PHONE POLICY TIMES
Arrival & Dismissal
Dismissal The teacher dismisses you from class, not the bell, or announcement This means your teacher may not dismiss you until the room is cleaned up. Walk straight out the front doors if you are a first run bus rider Walk to the cafeteria if you are a walker, car rider or second run bus rider All after school activities will report to the small gym. No hanging out in the halls or classrooms. Take advantage of this opportunity and just go home
Bus expectations
THE BUS IS SCHOOL. PERIOD. The same behavior and language is expected on the bus. Only YOU are responsible for your behavior on the bus. Remain seated for the entire ride. Use inside voices – no yelling or screaming. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
THE BUS DRIVER IS JUST LIKE YOUR TEACHER. Your bus driver has earned and deserves the same respect you give to teachers. Follow all of their instructions without questioning them. Your safety is their first concern! Drivers cannot allow unsafe behavior, so please remember your expectations.
ELECTRONICS Your bus driver may not allow use of electronics on the bus. If they don’t, you cannot use them. The school and driver are not responsible for your electronic devices. Your bus drivers don’t want to see electronics – this means if you are allowed to use them, do so correctly. Use headphones at all times. Only use your device in an appropriate way – assume your teacher is watching you.
GOING HOME WITH FRIENDS? If you are going to ride the bus with a friend, it must be PREapproved. You must get a note from your parents, and the friend you are riding with must have a note from their parents giving permission. Take both notes to the front office before 7:40 and give them to Mrs. Peggi. She will call home and verify that both sets of parents approve. She will give you an official note from the school that you can give the bus driver.
SEE SOMETHING? SAY SOMETHING! EVERY bus is equipped with four cameras that will be reviewed by your AP. YOU ARE BEING WATCHED. Make good choices! Everyone has a right to feel both physically and emotionally safe on the bus. If you feel unsafe in anyway, tell an adult. If you see something that is making another student uncomfortable, tell an adult. RELAX…BEHAVE…AND ENJOY THE RIDE!
Arrival Procedures Go to large gym unless you are eating breakfast then go to cafeteria No food or drink in the gym When in the gym sit with the Robins team Wait to be dismissed Walk down the steps one row at a time Find your first period teacher Have a GOOD day (it is required)
Arrival Procedures Go to large gym unless you are eating breakfast then go to cafeteria No food or drink in the gym When in the gym sit with the Robins team Wait to be dismissed Walk down the steps one row at a time Find your first period teacher Have a GOOD day (it is required)
Emergency Procedures
Safety Procedures Be smart- don’t yell or play during drills. This is serious time and needs to be taken that way by everyone.
Fire Drill Expectations After the fire signal is given over the PA System, students and teachers will report to the designated areas. Level 0 All doors will be shut & lights will be turned off Students will be escorted down the stairs for exit 27 to the ground floor and exit the rear of the building. Once the class has arrived at their location- get in a single file line. Attendance will be taken It is IMPORTANT to stay calm, stay at a level 0, and stay in a line with your teacher.
Tornado/Disaster Drill Expectations Stay at a level 0 Students will exit the classroom and line up against the lockers outside of their classroom door. Rest on knees, lean forward, cover back of head and neck Stay away from windows and glass It will be extremely important to follow all adult directions to ensure safety
Lock-Down/Security Drill Expectations Lock-Down occurs when our safety is in danger. Over the intercom they will announce that we are going into Lock-Down Stay in room Pull shades Turn off lights Sit in the corner of the room so that anyone looking into a window is not able to see you Level 0 Wait for teacher instructions
Earthquake Drill Sit under desk and cover head and neck. Level 0 Stay calm
Technology & Phone Policy
Cell phones and electronics Cell phones and other electronic devices must be stored in your locker during the school day. Make sure they are turned on silent or off If an adult sees you on your phone they will take it. Refusal to give up the electronic device will result in consequences- SRT call.
Westport School Policy on Phones First time it is taken it is turned in to the office and can be picked up at the end of the school day. Second time it is taken it is turned into the office and has to be signed out by a parent. Third time it is taken it is held for 30 days and then can be signed out by a parent.
Dress Code
Dress Code Policy
Dress Code Policy cont.
Dress Code Policy cont.
Westport Behavior System
Behavior System Goals To educate each you in all your classes. To keep you safe and out of trouble during school hours. To help you become responsible for your own actions.
Behavior Plan Disruptive classroom behaviors will be referred to as infractions. Infractions can include tardiness, off-task, disrespect to teacher, dress code, disrespect to students, disrespect to materials, SRT calls, inappropriate use of technology, and food.
Guidelines to Address Student Behaviors *NOTE: Lunch Detention will occur early the following week with one teacher from the team. Students will eat lunch in the PAC room on a level 0. Specific day will be determined by teams during floor meetings.
Behavior Plan Steps Step 1 – Redirect/Warning Step 2 – Infraction Step 3 – Call SRT Each week students will start fresh with a clean slate. All infractions from the previous weeks will no longer be counted against students moving forward. If a student shows a pattern of consistently exhibiting unacceptable behavior, behavioral interventions will be put into place per the student support team. Interventions may include the following: conferences, point sheets, loss of sport and club privileges, referrals to counselors.