Home of the Bears SPENCER COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL A Tuesday, September 6th, 2016 Home of the Bears 8/21/2015
Schedule 1st- 7:40-8:28 2nd- 8:33-9:20 3rd- 9:25-10:12 4th- 10:17-11:04 5th- 11:09-12:45 1st lunch- 11:09-11:30 3rd lunch- 11:58-12:20 2nd lunch- 11:33-11:55 4th lunch- 12:23-12:45 6th- 12:50-1:37 7th- 1:42-2:30 8/21/2015
Lunch Schedule 2015-2016 1st lunch 11:09-11:30 2nd lunch 11:33-11:55 3rd lunch 11:58-12:20 4th lunch 12:23-12:45 8/21/2015
School Events 9/6/2016 Golf @ Heritage Hills vs Bullitt East 6:00 PM Boys soccer vs. Collins @ home!! BE THERE!! DISTRICT GAME 8/21/2015
Lunch Menu Nacho-grande w/ tostitos Mini cheeseburger Refried beans Corn Bean salad Lettuce/tomato Salsa Orange Juice cup 11/20/2018
Breakfast Menu Wednesday, 9/7 Mini pancakes w/ syrup Oranges Lucky Charms Cereal (23.45) Cinnamon Toast Cereal (23.45) Bagels w/ cream cheese (33) Assorted Cereal Bars (29.75) Assorted juice cups (26.33) (Carb Count) 11/20/2018
Project Graduation Mum Sale Buy some locally grown mums to support the class of 2017! $8.00 each Orders and Money due on September 21st. Delivered to the School on September 28th. 11/20/2018
AGENDAS Agendas are issued on Day 1 and serve as your Hall Pass. You need to have it to go anywhere in the school building and it must be signed by your teachers because they will be checked throughout the day! 11/20/2018
Starbooks Coffee Den Come to the library before school or after 1:00 p.m. for Hot Chocolate or a French Vanilla Cappuccino. Only $1 for a nice steamy cup! 11/20/2018
Book Store Come check out our bookstore in the library. We have… Notebooks Pens Pencils Binders Colored pencils Poster board And more! 11/20/2018
Book Drop For your convenience, the library has placed a book drop at the intersection. 8/21/2015
Word of the Day Farthest or highest point. Apogee (noun) 5/15/2014 https://www.number2.com/ 5/15/2014
Question of the Day What is the largest whole number that divides both 60 and 84? A. 6 B. 12 C. 16 D. 18 E. 24 https://www.number2.com/exams/act/daily/question/index.cfm?s=0 5/15/2015 ?
Today is… National Coffee Ice Cream Day National Read A Book Day 11/20/2018
On This Day 1902- Theodore Roosevelt visited Kentucky to discuss the problems growing out of the Modern Industrial Revolution. 11/20/2018
Sheriff’s Orders Walkers will report to Cafeteria after the bell. No one will be allowed to cross the road until after 1st run!!! 11/20/2018
REMINDERS Once you arrive at school, you can go to either the Library, Gym, or Cafeteria. Wherever you go you must stay there until the dismissal bell @ 7:35am 11/20/2018
REMINDERS Students are not allowed to leave school grounds in the morning once they arrive from school. You must get permission from the office if you need to leave for any reason. If you ride the bus, You need to go in the building once you are off the bus. 11/20/2018
REMINDERS No head gear is to be worn during the school day. No food is allowed outside of the cafeteria and only water is permitted in classes during the day. 11/20/2018
REMINDERS The entrance across from McDonald’s is for buses ONLY Outside drinks & food are not allowed in the school building. No students in the hallway first and last 10 minutes of class. Tardy students will be taken to the intersection and given ASD 11/17/2014
Announcements Any senior who took Dual Credit Chemistry willing to donate their old textbook, please see Mr. Giles Attention all students: Future Business Leaders of America will be selling frosty fruit slushies. Current Flavors are Blue Raspberry & Strawberry. They cost $1 per cup. Stop by room 59 (across from Chorus room) & see Mrs. Coke to purchase & try one out. 11/20/2018
Announcements Are you interested in a career in healthcare? Come join HOSA this year. Membership dues are $35.00, see Mrs. Beaverson in Room 300 during enrichment to sign up. Dues need to be paid by Sept. 16th. Come join us for a year of fun and a chance to go to Disney World. Membership includes a t-shirt for this year. All BETA invitations have been distributed! Congratulations if you received an invite. Your membership dues of $20.00 needs to be paid on or before 9/16/16 to Mrs. Shouse in the library. Looking forward to a fun year of leading by serving others. 11/20/2018
Announcements Attn. Students: ACT boot camp will be on Sept. 6th & 7th from 2:45 – 4:45. Sign up in the college & career center Attention, all Campbellsville Dual Credit Students need to have their permission slips turned in by September 1st, to Coach Scott. Anyone who is interested in going to Georgetown college, please see Coach Scott in the college and career center for a permission slip. 11/20/2018
Softball Conditioning Lady Bears softball conditioning starts this week. Practice will be on Tuesday’s and Friday’s after school until 5 o’clock 11/20/2018
ACT NEWS! The ACT is September 10th, make sure to register and sign up for boot camp. 11/20/2018
BETA STUDENTS! All BETA invitations have been distributed! Congratulations if you received an invite. Your membership dues of $20.00 needs to be paid on or before 9/16/16 to Mrs. Shouse library. Looking forward to a fun year of leading by serving others!! 11/20/2018
CALLING ALL LIBRARY MATERIALS… Don’t forget to turn in your Library Materials! 11/17/2014
Social Media Remember to regularly check the Facebook and Twitter pages for Scholarships and other announcements. Facebook: “SCHS College and Career Guidance” Twitter: “@SCCollegeCareer” 11/17/2014
We can help with careers, jobs, colleges, life issues. Guidance Counselors grade levels Ms. GRAY Grades 9 & 11 Ms. GOLDEY Grades 10 & 12 We can help with careers, jobs, colleges, life issues. 11/17/2014