Technical guidance to implement bioavailability-based environmental quality standards for metals Graham Merrington October WG Chemicals 2014
Outline What is this....? More guidance? The process so far........ Key sections of the guidance Summary October WG Chemicals 2014
What is this.....? More guidance? Bioavailability-based EQS now in Directive (for Ni and Pb) Historically, EQS for metals ‘hardness-based’.......but are not evidence based Guidance aims to support implementation of bioavailability-based EQS for metals, also; Outline benefits of approach Challenges Resource implications Examples of good practice Started in 2013, asked for by MS, funded by Eurometaux Dynamic document – will be updated as application and experience of approach increases. October WG Chemicals 2014
The process so far First Draft circulated in January 2014 Second in June 2014 Third Draft circulated to WG Chemicals in September Guidance has developed and is aiming to be suitable for all levels of user Considerable Member State and Stakeholder input and feedback (much sweat and tears!) October WG Chemicals 2014
The process so far Meeting at SETAC Basel – Member State Scientists, Stakeholders and BLM developers..... Revisions made: Examples added (dealing with ‘out of range’ waters, using backgrounds , marine and freshwater interface) Summary statistics to be used for inputs to the tools (agreed, best to have matched data) Assessment of user-friendly tools, criteria to be used. RCOM on CIRCABC shows the development of the document (still some changes........DEN). October WG Chemicals 2014
Key sections Tools to use and acceptability criteria Data requirements Undertaking feasibility studies Interpretation of results: Waters in and out of BLM ranges Compliance and classification Permitting? FAQs Examples.........The Netherlands, France, Finland and the UK. October WG Chemicals 2014
Summary Guidance document is close to finish, we think................(this iteration) Final set of comments for WG by November the 7th ...........please The terms used remain a challenge. Attempts to be consistent across the Directive, Dossiers and EQS TDG. Examples are always useful, especially through feasibility studies and implementation issues! October WG Chemicals 2014