Week 4: Evolution Test/ Brain/ Blood flow
How does your brain work? Perform the following tasks: Solve the following: 2 + 5 (3 x 4) + 10 = Recall your best childhood memory. What do you see? Face or vase? Write down what you hear. Take a deep breath. Balance on one foot. A fight in the cafeteria over a corn dog. Why? What makes you laugh or cry? How fast can you say this tongue twister ? One smart fellow, he felt smart. Two smart fellows, they felt smart. Three smart fellows, they all felt smart This leads into the function of the brain’s lobes. The purpose of this activity is for the teacher to explore with the students which parts of the brains lobes are function while doing each activity. FRONTAL LOBE: REASONING/PROBLEM SOLVING/EMOTION/PLANNING /MOVEMENT ; PARIETAL- REASONING/PERCEPTION STIMULI,RECOGNITION, MOVEMENT,ORIENTATION/ OCCIPITAL LOBE; VISIUAL PROCESSING /TEMPORAL – AUDITORY, MEMORY /SPEECH/ CEREBELLUM- POSTURE, COORDINATION, BALANCE AND LIMBIC SYSTEM / BRAIN STEM – VITAL FUNCTIONS
11/4/13 Learning Activities Return Papers/ LAB WRITE – UP RUBRIC Natural Selection Lab Write up Due FRIDAY! Missing Work/Grades Make-up quiz (classification) Finish Evolution Quiz Evolution Unit Test FRIDAY Study Ch 10, 11, 12 Test review due FRIDAY Finish Tree Map/Skull Lab (1st and 2nd period) Intro to Parts and function of Brain
Comprehension Check Monday- List a trait that humans possess that apes do not Tuesday- What are two important adaptive advantages to being bipedal?
Comprehension Checks Cont. Wednesday: From hominid fossils, what common trends can be found? Thursday: When might having an increasingly larger brain size no longer be a selective advantage? Friday: Answer the essential question in 3 complete sentences be sure to include examples and details.
MONDAY 11/4 COMPREHENSION CHECK What are the major parts of the brain? How does each part function? Answer the essential question: Why is an adolescent brain so different from an adult brain?
Tuesday November 5, 2013 http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/29323-tlc-a-study-of-the-teenage-brain-video.htm http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/teenbrain/view/
Scientists have found evidence that about 2 Scientists have found evidence that about 2.4 million years ago a gene regulating jaw muscles mutated and may have led to the more graceful human jaw we see today. The diagram below shows the skulls of 3 hominid species. A Which statement below most closely explains the link between jaw size and hominid evolution? A. The jaws of hominids evolved to be smaller and less protruding over time. B. The jaws of hominids evolved to be larger and more protruding over time. C. There appears to be no change in the jaws of hominids over time. D. The jaws of hominids changed over time due to a change in brain size.
11/5/13 Learning Activities Return Papers/ LAB WRITE – UP RUBRIC Natural Selection Lab Write up Due FRIDAY! Missing Work/Grades Make-up quiz (classification) Evolution Unit Test FRIDAY Study Ch 10, 11, 12 Test review due FRIDAY Finish parts and function of Brain Intro to Blood Flow
TUESDAY 11/5 COMPREHENSION CHECK What are the components of blood? How is blood flow affected by viscosity?
Wednesday November 6, 2013
A. prokaryotic and aerobic B. prokaryotic and anaerobic Which types of organisms developed first due to the early environmental conditions on Earth? A. prokaryotic and aerobic B. prokaryotic and anaerobic C. eukaryotic and aerobic D. eukaryotic and anaerobic B
11/6/13 Learning Activities Return Papers/ LAB WRITE – UP RUBRIC Natural Selection Lab Write up Due FRIDAY! Missing Work/Grades Make-up quiz (classification) Evolution Unit Test FRIDAY Study Ch 10, 11, 12 Test review due FRIDAY Finish Blood Flow
More cells/less water=thicker constriction of blood vessel walls
http://10. 31. 209/SAFARI/montage/play. php
WEDNESDAY 11/6 COMPREHENSION CHECK Describe how heart diseases are caused by personal health environmental factors.
Thursday November 7, 2013 http://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewResourceLesson/Preview/29107
A. It will accelerate the appearance of new traits. A small population of chimpanzees lives in a habitat that undergoes no changes for a long period. How will genetic drift probably affect this population? A. It will accelerate the appearance of new traits. B. It will promote the survival of chimpanzees with beneficial traits. C. It will increase the number of alleles for specific traits. D. It will reduce genetic diversity. D
Scientists are studying the evolutionary history of a group of plants in the United States, and they developed an evolutionary tree, as shown below. D Which statement can be inferred from the evolutionary tree? A. Species 1 is most closely related to Species 8. B. Species 2 is most closely related to Species 3. C. Species 3 is most closely related to Species 7. D. Species 5 is most closely related to Species 6.
11/7/13 Learning Activities Return Papers/ LAB WRITE – UP QUESTIONS? Natural Selection Lab Write up Due TOMORROW! Evolution Unit Test TOMORROW- QUESTIONS? Study Ch 10, 11, 12 Study Bellringers/notes/study guides etc. Blood Flow- Finish Over Long Weekend Test Review Finish for HW- DUE TOMORROW Test Essay Question DUE TOMORROW!
Natural Selection Lab Write –up info Dates of Lab: 10/18/13 -10/23/13 Variables IV: DV: Constant: Control Safety: Data: Analysis: Conclusion: Come afterschool for more help!
THURSDAY 11/7 COMPREHENSION CHECK- 10 minutes to complete Answer on a piece of paper and turn in EXIT SLIP bin on your way out of class. In at least one paragraph describe what evolution and natural selection is and how it affects populations of organisms. Include examples from Darwin's work on finishes, hominid evolution, and evidence from fossils and animal anatomy. Be sure to use related vocabulary. You may use your notes and Ch 10, 11, and 12.
11/8/13 Learning Activities Natural Selection Lab Write up Due TODAY! Evolution Unit Test TODAY Test Review DUE TODAY Test Essay Question DUE TODAY!
FRIDAY 11/8 COMPREHENSION CHECK Will your test data be an accurate depiction of your knowledge of evolution? Why or why not?
Homework Blood Flow- Finish Over Long Weekend We will discuss Chart TUESDAY Everything else should be finished. DUE TUESDAY!