Overview of the course Principles of geometric optics Physics 123, Spring, 2005 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Introduction Instructor Prof. Regina Demina Office B&L 313 Phone 275-7357 Email regina@pas.rochester.edu Office hour Mon 4-5 pm 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Novosibirsk 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Objective of the course thorough understanding of the basic physics concepts ability to use them in applications 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Sources Text book Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume II Third Edition by Douglas C. Giancoli Class web site /www.pas.rochester.edu/~regina/PHY123 Lecture notes; Homework assignments, numeric answers, solutions Equation sheets for tests, test solutions Important dates and links 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Recitations and Homework Solving problems systematically is important. Difference with PHY122: no more workshops recitations Recitations will cover material through the Wednesday lecture. Participation in recitations will count 10% of your final grade. Grade assigned by your TA. Recitations start the week of 1/18, sign up will be open on Thursday 01/13: https://spider.pas.rochester.edu/signup/PHY-123-S05/ Homework is due in recitation class. Homework problems = 10% of your final grade. 11/20/2018 Lecture I
One –hour exams There will be two one-hour exams during the semester. Both will count. There will be no makeup exam. Exams will be given in Wednesday lecture class shown in the schedule. Exam dates are subject to change. I will notify you by email in case of change. You can bring a calculator, a pencil and a ruler. 40% of your grade. 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Final Exam Tuesday, May 3, 8:30 am (sorry!) Final exam is based on the entire course PHY123. Last homework will be based on the entire course to give you more time to prepare for the final. It will not be graded. 30% of the final grade 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Equation sheets No notes or equation sheets may be brought to exams. However, a sheet of useful equations will be provided during the test. You can view these sheets in advance, will be linked from course schedule on the web. Please note that past experience has shown that having equations available does not guarantee success -- understanding is the key. 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Labs The laboratory is a required and integrated part of the course. A passing grade in laboratory is required to pass the course: 10% of the grade Lab manuals and sign up are available on the web: http://web.pas.rochester.edu/~physlabs/home.shtml See the lab manual for rules and grading procedures. Start sign up this week (you will be notified by email, but you need to be registered for lab class!!) Important: There is a short homework (in manuals) due at the beginning of each lab class (even the 1st one!!!) You will not be allowed to start your lab without this homework. 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Grading Workshops: 10% Homework: 10% Hour Exams: 40% Final Exam: 30% Laboratory: 10% Total: 100% 90% or above: A 88-89.9 – A- 85-87.9 – B+ 80% - 85% : B 78-79.9 – B- 75-77.9 – C+ 70% - 75%: C 68-69.9 – C- 65-67.9 – D+ 60% - 65%: D Under 60% : F 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Phys 121123 Phys 121 how do objects move (kinematics) Why do objects move (dynamics – forces) One true (fundamental) force – gravity First step into the micro world – kinetic theory Phys 122 Two more true forces – electricity and magnetism Unification – EM waves – light Phys 123 More detailed study of light Geometric optics wave properties particle properties Quantum mechanics (lasers) space-time properties Deeper into the structure of matter – atomic structure Nuclear structure, elementary particles Way out in space - cosmology 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Principles of geometric optics 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Concepts Ray model of light Image formation Reflection Refraction Dispersion Total internal reflection 11/20/2018 Lecture I
EM waves c – speed of light (m/s) f – frequency (Hz=1/s) l – wavelength (m) 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Ray model of light Light is an EM wave diffraction (go around obstacles) This happens on microscopic scale In everyday life we use straight line approximation for light propagation = Ray model of light geometric optics We infer positions of objects assuming light travels in straight lines. Geometry is important, Bring ruler and pencil, make good pictures!!! 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Reflection We see objects because They emit light (Sun, light bulb) They reflect light (Moon, table) angle of incidence = angle of reflection: qi=qr Rough surface Polished surface. 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Formation of image Eye assumes light propagates in straight lines image (rays of light crossing) is formed behind the mirror do – distance to object di – distance to image For plane mirror do= di No light here Virtual image If light actually goes through the place where image is formed real image 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Speed of light in medium Speed of light in vacuum: c=3.0x108m/s Speed of light in media: v<c Index of refraction: n=c/v >1.0 From table 33-1 Vacuum n=1.00 Air n=1.0003 Water n=1.33 Diamond n=2.42 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Refraction The front is slowing down 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Refraction, Snell’s law Bend toward normal Bend away from normal 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Image formation Eye still assumes light propagates in straight lines optical illusions Image is shifted Pool appears shallower 11/20/2018 Lecture I
What if n depends on l? If n depends on l angle of refraction depends on l n(red)<n(green) A-red, B-green B- red, A-green A B Dispersion This is why rainbow occurs 11/20/2018 Lecture I
Total internal reflection For q>qc - total internal reflection – no light come out – all light is reflected Fiber optics Necessary condition: from thick to thin media 11/20/2018 Lecture I
1.3 m 2.1 m 2.7 m x 11/20/2018 Lecture I