Presented by: Dr. Susan Cochella and the 4 th St. Clinic Managers
Supervisor: Dr. Susan Cochella Tammy Nguyen, MD/PhD Candidate Jillian Wong, MSII Sandhya Ravichandran, MSII Henry Tran, MSII Chris Rees, MSII Alex Meier, MSII Cody Martin, MSII Katherine Poruk, MSII Breton Yates, MSII Giang Tran, MSII
A nonprofit organization that works to end homelessness by providing comprehensive health care and support services to homeless Utahns. For many of their patients, they are the first and only chance at proper diagnosis and treatment.
Fourth Street Clinic is a full-service health home that offers coordinated primary care, behavioral health and pharmacy services. Forty staff members, 35 in-house medical volunteers and over 200 off-site specialists who see patients on a pro bono basis and serve nearly 6,000 patients each year.
The Saturday Student Clinic!
The Saturday Student Clinic Each Saturday, Medical Students are allowed to staff the clinic. Made up of primarily MS1 and MS2 students who, along with a volunteer physician, treat homeless patients. Clinic runs each Saturday from 9:00 am to approximately 12:00 pm.
What do we do? Vital Signs Patient history Physical Exams Write and present SOAP note to attending physician Observe physician diagnose and treat patient Dispense any treatment necessary
What do we see? We see adults with a variety of illnesses: – Colds/Respiratory Ailments – Cardiovascular Problems – UTIs – GI ailments – Diabetes related problems – Headaches, Ear aches, Muscle aches – And other general primary health concerns.
The Benefits Opportunity to work with at need populations in the Salt Lake Valley. For many, it is the only opportunity to get hands on experience with patients. Allows students to practice skills such as taking a patient history, writing a SOAP note, and performing a physical exam before starting 3 rd year rotations. Meet local physicians
The 4 th Street Schedule and How to Sign Up
Red = Clinic Full Blue = Can Sign Up
Things to Remember!!!
You are only allowed to sign up and attend 2 clinics per month! If you find you cannot attend a date you signed up for and it is within one week of the clinic, you must find a replacement!
What to wear? Dress professionally! Men: – Nice shirt and slacks – tie optional Women: – Skirt or nice slacks No Jeans!
What to bring? Stethoscope Name tag Pen You do not need your white coat.
Recognition: If you attend 8 clinics in between now and August 2010, it will go on your Deans Letter. You can have it listed on your Deans Letter for both MS1 and MS2, provided you attend 8 clinics each year. We will look for new managers in Spring 2010.
S.O.A.P. Note with Dr. Cochella Writing S.O.A.P. Notes Chief Complaint – in patients own words S = SUBJECTIVE: (What the patient tells you.) History of Present Illness Onset, Duration, Severity Associated Symptoms What Worsens?/Improves? Treatments?/Outcome? (including alternative and OTC) Past Medical History Illnesses, Operations, Allergies, Medications Preventive Health Update OB-GYN for Women (including FP/BC) Family History Social History Living Situation/Family Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs Occupational History – Jobs, Exposures, etc. Review of Systems
S.O.A.P. Note with Dr. Cochella 0 = OBJECTIVE: (What you document.) Physical Examination Laboratory, X-rays Special Procedures/Tests Consultation Results/Reports A = ASSESSMENT: (Problems Identified/Presumed Diagnosis[es]) P = PLAN: (What you [and the patient] plan to do – note the three distinct areas) 1.Further Diagnostic Evaluations (Studies/Tests/Referrals) 2.Patient/Family Education 3.Treatment: a.Non-Pharmacologic (rest, exercises, diet change, weight loss, heat/cold, etc.) b.Pharmacologic (both prescription and OTC) c.Preventive (age appropriate recommendations: counseling, screening, Rx, etc.)