How to improve their contribution to programme quality? Ex-Ante Evaluations 2014-2020 How to improve their contribution to programme quality? Marielle Riché DG REGIO – Evaluation Unit 6 November 2015
Time to reflect on ex ante evaluations' role Based on: Analysis of 44 ex ante evaluations in 10 MS Desk officers Ex ante evaluators This network An overall positive feedback, however room for improvement
Rationale of the form of support Too early? Financial instruments assessments later on Difficult to decide on the best form of support Should the form of support be defined later? Should the ex ante evaluator examine different options?
Information of evaluators Lack of awareness of critical issues: role of funds (and expected impact), indicators Early information meetings Provision of an on-going guidance on regulatory requirements (FAQ)
Role of evaluators Dual role: supporting MA and the Commission Sometimes confusion between evaluating and drafting, sometimes evaluations as a formality Involve programming services upstream in the ex ante evaluation exercise Allow contacts between evaluators and policy makers/negotiators
Timing and budget Some contracts were launched too early Some planned an insufficient duration The final version of the ex ante evaluation should cover all regulatory requirements Each version of the programme should be evaluated and comments taken on board To this end: appropriate timing and budget
Availability of services The ex ante evaluation is useful to involve services in the programme design: definition of priorities, theory of change, indicators Inform services about the EEE: objective, role of evaluator, value added and limits They should dedicate sufficient time