Unit 7 – Making a small Wooden Container Resistant Materials Unit 7 – Making a small Wooden Container
List of tasks 1. choose a small container for a specific use to make in wood; 2. sketch three outline designs for this small wooden container; 3. choose one of the designs and develop it in preparation for making the wooden container; 4. mark out the timber using appropriate methods; 5. cut out the material using appropriate tools; 6. smooth and shape the pieces of wood; 7. join the wooden parts together using appropriate methods; 8. apply a suitable finish to the wooden container; 9. evaluate the finished container; 10. work safely with wood-working tools.
Outcome 1 The container I will make is…
Outcome 2 - My three sketched outline designs for the wooden box …
Outcome 3 The design I have picked is , I will prepare my equipment such as…. List of things I need
Outcomes 4,5,6,7,8, An image of my made product is …
Outcome 9 - My evaluation of the making process… I made the box with…
The tools I used and worked safely with were… Outcome 10 The tools I used and worked safely with were…