Holistic Strategies for Healthy Aging Aila Accad, RN, MSN
Stress & Aging Aila Accad, RN, MSN Several studies now link chronic psychological stress with accelerated telomere shortening which accelerates the aging process What can you do?
Healthy Aging Culture Norms Idea of Normal Influences Health Related Behaviors Focus on Aspects of Well-Being/Integration Balance and Wholeness Aila Accad, RN, MSN
© 2010 Aila Accad, RNwww.ailaspeaks.com Energy Principles & Practices 1Everything is Energy Observe & manage your energy 2What You Focus on Expands Focus on what you want 3What You Resist Persists Let go of resistance 4 Energy Entrains Support your energy field
Everything is Energy Principle #1 Everything is Energy Albert Einstein All Matter is energy E = mc 2 Western healing sciences ignored this concept until recently Aila Accad, RN, MSNwww.ailaspeaks.com
Aspects of Well-Being Physical Energy Mobility Mental Thoughts Beliefs Emotional Range Expression Social Give Receive Spiritual Purpose Self-love Meaning Generativity Well-Being Integration Environment Nurture Protect Aila Accad, RN, MSNwww.ailaspeaks.com
Physical Health Air Water Food Movement Rest Sun Increase Energy Aila Accad, RN, MSN
Aging Beliefs Aila Accad, RN, MSN
What Does Aging Look Like to YOU?
Mental Health Mind-Body Connection Life-Long Learning Mental Stimulation Focus on what you Want Aila Accad, RN, MSN
Emotional Health Capacity to Feel Deeply Sensitivity to Feelings in Self & Others Willing to Experience Feelings Appropriately Express a Wide Range of Feelings Aila Accad, RN, MSN GOOD BAD.... Let Go of Resistance
Emotional Health Childhood Trauma Old Resentments Lingering Regrets Chronic Pain ……. Tap On It!
Social Health Dependence Independence Co-Dependence InterDependence Aila Accad, RN, MSN Give & Take
Social Health Acknowledge need for belonging, love, value, acceptance, play Build a network of support/connection Ask for what you need Offer support when able Energy Entrains Aila Accad, RN, MSN
Social/Vocational Health Fulfillment Motivation Accomplishment Follow the Passion (energy) Aila Accad, RN, MSN
Spiritual Health Mid-life Crisis or Re-Assessment? Who Am I? What Do I Stand For? What Is At The Core of My Life? Of Me? Memoir, Memory Board Generativity Aila Accad, RN, MSN
Spiritual Health Acceptance of Death as Part of Life Meaning and Purpose Value-Based Priorities Guide Choices Awareness of Inner Wisdom/ Intuition Aila Accad, RN, MSN Focus on Inner Knowing Choice
Environmental Health Safety Order Simplicity Light Color/Sound Energy Entrains Aila Accad, RN, MSN
The 12 Days of Wellness On the First Day of Wellness My True Love Gave to ME… A Hammock in a Shade Tree Aila Accad, RN, MSN
A Hammock in a Shade Tree 2 Aerobic Shoes 3Square Meals 4Compliments 5Bright Ideas 6Goals Accomplished 7Meditations 8Hours for Sleeping 9Laughs from Joking 10Toes for Walking 11Feelings Flowing 12Less Commitments On the First Day of Wellness My True Love Gave to ME Aila Accad, RN, MSN
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Aila Accad, RN, MSN My Deepest Wish for YOU Live Long & Well!