You’re a genius!
“The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter--it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” - Letter to George Bainton, 10/15/1888
Overview Discuss the importance of tone Explore five definitions of sarcasm Leave you with a question
Because tone matters. That’s a great idea! That’s a great idea. Sarcasm Because tone matters. That’s a great idea! That’s a great idea.
Sarcasm A very funny way to express your frustration.
An effective way to state the obvious Sarcasm An effective way to state the obvious
Sarcasm Were you kicked in the head by a horse or something? Actually… A surefire way to make yourself look like an ass Were you kicked in the head by a horse or something? Actually… Are you going to ask your question with your shades on? For the viewers at home, there’s no sun.
A fun way to show your creativity, intellect and/or humor Sarcasm A fun way to show your creativity, intellect and/or humor
Which sarcastic are you?
Works Cited Google Images. Web. 14 Nov 2013.