Everett Community College & Skagit Valley College Running Start Everett Community College & Skagit Valley College
Presenters Bernita Bontrager Donovan Tate
Running Start Overview Enrollment in a public school district Tuition-free for college level courses Junior or Senior standing Each college sets eligibility criteria and deadlines Running Start Enrollment Verification Form
Running Start Credit Eligibility Full-Time: 12-15 college credits Part-Time: college courses and high school schedule combined *Students wishing to complete an Associates Degree within two years should complete at least15 college level credits per quarter.
Benefits Tuition-Free Dual Credit Flexibility Academic challenge
Program Costs Textbooks Mandatory Student Fees Transportation & Parking Tuition for credits above maximum eligibility Tuition for credits below the 100 level **Running Start Fee Waiver
Things to Consider College level courses Balancing High School and College courses HS Graduation Requirements Program Costs Family Education Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA)
Running Start Application Process
EvCC Eligibility & Application Process Talk to your HS Counselor Placement Test OR Alt. Placement Options Submit online application and test scores Check your email
SVC Eligibility & Application Process Apply to SVC as a Running Start Student (in-person application; online application in the works!) Set up your SVC Email and do your Cardinal Pre-Flight Online Orientation Establish Course Placement Meet with your High School Counselor Schedule and Attend Cardinal Take-Off Advising and Registration Session Visit www.Skagit.edu/RSsteps for more information
Running Start Deadlines
EvCC Deadlines Winter Quarter 2017: November 1st Spring Quarter 2017: February 1st Fall Quarter 2017: April 18th, May 1st Visit www.everettcc.edu/RunningStart Email us at highschoolrelations@everettcc.edu
SVC Deadlines Students can apply at any time – No Application Deadline New Students must be Registered for classes no later than three business days before the quarter begins. Visit www.Skagit.edu/runningstart Questions? Email admissions@Skagit.edu or call 360.416.7700
Running Start Questions?