ECE 4006 CAPSTONE DESIGN R.Y.M.M.Y Georgia Institute of Technology Electrical Engineering Spring 2003
Parameter Values of the Components TRANSIMPEDENCE AMPLIFIER -MAX3266 PARAMETERS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Supply Voltage 3.00 5.50 V Input Overload 1.00 mA IN Current -4.00 4.00 Filter Current -8.00 8.00 Input Bias Voltage 0.69 0.83 0.91 Linear range 30.00 µAp-p Jitter 19.00 76.00 ps Low freq. cut off 44.00 KHz LIMITING AMPLIFIER - MAX3264 PARAMETERS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Supply Voltage 3.00 5.50 V Jitter 14.00 30.00 ps Edge Speed 80.00 175.00 300.00 Low freq. cut off 2.00 KHz LAN LASER DRIVERS - MAX3287 PARAMETERS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Supply Voltage 3.00 5.50 V Supply Current 52.00 75.00 mA Data Input Voltage Swing 200.00 175.00 1660.00 mV Current into OUT+ OUT - 60.00
Parameter Values of the Components (Contd.) VCSEL PARAMETERS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Laser Reverse Breakdown 5.00 V Peak Operating Current 12.00 20.00 mV Optical Power Output 0.90 3.60 Relative Intensity Noise -128.00 dB/Hz Beam Divergence 15.00 deg Slope Efficiency 0.10 0.40 mW/mA PHOTODIODE (Requirements) Excellent Responsivity Low Impedence Low Dark Current Capacitance Smaller Chip Dimensions Linearity Over a Wide Dynamic Range Broad Spectral Response
Gantt Chart
Task Management Webmaster – Michael Budget Analysis & Ordering – Yeonshin, Mustansir Testing Reciever board – Group Design – Ragad, Mustansir, Michael Building/Soldering – Yoon, Ragad Testing – Mustansir, Yoon Alignment Tolerance & Analysis - Yeonshin
Planned Itinerary Components Research Budget Analysis Building & Testing Maxim Receiver Boards