Amphibians Vertebrates that are aquatic as larvae and terrestrial as adults, breathe with lungs as adults, have a moist skin that contains mucus glands, and lacks scales and claws Eggs have no shells, larvae are aquatic, respire through skin, evolved from lobe-finned fish (coelacanth)
Frog Anatomy
Frog Anatomy
Feeding in Amphibians Larvae – filter feeders, herbivores, grow very quickly Adults – carnivorous Mouth – esophagus – stomach – small intestine – large intestine – and cloaca
Respiration in Amphibians Adults – lungs, mouth, and skin Larvae – skin or gills - tadpoles, salamander larvae, some adult salamanders have gills
Circulation in Amphibians Larvae have a two chambered heart; adults have a three chambered heart that pumps blood through a double-loop system Adults Loop 1: Heart – lungs – heart Loop 2: Body – heart Larvae Single loop like fish: heart – gills – body - heart
Excretion in Amphibians Kidneys – send urine to cloaca or urinary bladder
Response in Amphibians Well-developed brain Hear and make sounds See well for hunting Evade predators by hiding, running away, toxic chemicals (poison arrow frogs)
Movement in Amphibians Larvae swim like fish Adults use their four limbs
Reproduction in Amphibians Females lay eggs in water and the male fertilizes them (external fertilization) – frogs and toads Sperm packet – salamanders Parental care – some carry larvae or eggs on back
Groups of Amphibians 2 major groups of Amphibians Salamanders Frogs and toads
Salamanders A few centimeters to 2 meters Some totally aquatic, others live both on land and in water Can regenerate lost limbs
Examples of Salamanders
Frogs and Toads Common Frogs more aquatic, toads more terrestrial Cannot regenerate lost limbs
The Life Cycle of a Frog Adult Frog Young Frog Fertilized Eggs Adults are typically ready to breed in about one to two years. Young Frog Frog eggs are laid in water and undergo external fertilization. The eggs hatch into tadpoles a few days to several weeks later. Fertilized Eggs Tadpoles Tadpoles gradually grow limbs, lose their tails and gills, and become meat-eaters as they develop into terrestrial adults.