Frog or Toad? By Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory
Words to Know: croak float throat toad
More words to know: any frog know lot their they water wet
Toads A common toad, Bufo bufo
Toads Toads lay eggs in long strings in the water. Toads do not need to live by water. Toads have dry, bumpy skin.
Frogs Australian Green Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea)
a poison dart frog, contains numerous alkaloids which deter predators Frogs Frogs lay eggs in a clump in the water. Frogs have to live by water. Frogs have smooth, wet skin. Oophaga pumilio, a poison dart frog, contains numerous alkaloids which deter predators Rainforest Rocket Frog jumping
Differences Frogs lay eggs in a clump in the water. Toads lay eggs in long strings in the water. Frogs have to live by water. Toads do not need to live by water. Frogs have smooth, wet skin. Toads have dry, bumpy skin.
Similarities Frogs and toads look alike. Frogs and toads are reptiles. The tadpoles have tails at first. When the tadpoles have legs, they do not have tails.
Sounds Frogs say, “Croak! Croak!” Toads say, “Nee-deep! Nee-deep!”
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Credits Wise Owl Factory Carolyn Wilhelm, © 2018 Credits Wise Owl Factory Carolyn Wilhelm, © 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the owner of Wise Owl Factory is strictly prohibited. One picture with a link back may be used provided that full and clear credit is given to Wise Owl Factory and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Copying these student work pages partially, or fully, is strictly prohibited. Images from Pixabay and Wikipedia Wikipedia images are linked to their sources. Click on picture of PDF when in normal mode, not slide show mode, to open and print.