"Innovation & Patents, What We Learn From History" Severin de Wit, January 9, 2007 DSM Special Inventors Reward, Rosmalen
Attorney General Edmund Randolph signing first US patent
Patrick Davenport Patent first electric motor
Charles Goodyear, patent for a process of vulcanizing rubber
Elisha Graves OTIS demonstrated at the Crystal Palace \Hotel his first elevator brake system
Morse Samuel F. B. Morse's colored sketch of railway telegraph, ca Morse Samuel F. B. Morse's colored sketch of railway telegraph, ca. 1838. Samuel F. B. Morse's colored sketch of railway telegraph, ca. 1838.
What hath God Wrought Morse’s first telegraphed text: What hath Gofd Wrought, from Washington to Baltimore
Whitney’s patent for the Cotton Gin
Alexander Graham Bell’s patent, US Patent No Alexander Graham Bell’s patent, US Patent No. 174,465, eventually known as the single most valuable patent ever issued in the history of the world.
Alexander Bell's design sketch of the telephone, ca. 1876
Letter from Gardiner Greene Hubbard to Alexander Graham Bell, September 26 - Transcription (Series: Subject File, Folder: The Phonograph, Hubbard, Gardiner Greene, 1878, undated)
DSM Innovations