Siva K Balasubramanian NCA Accreditation Siva K Balasubramanian
Review of Recent Progress Accreditation visit during 2016-2017 NCA Accreditation Committee (21 members) that has worked since 2011 Three Sub committees for Assessment, Quality Initiative, and HLC Accreditation Criteria Assessment Subcommittee has worked with faculty to develop and approve Assessment Plans for each academic program offered on campus Quality Initiative Subcommittee developed a proposal on Student Persistence and Completion. HLC has accepted this proposal toward membership in its Academy Accreditation Criteria Subcommittee is working on an initial draft of sections of the Accreditation Report to be submitted to HLC by 2016. This draft report will integrate key elements of IIT’s Strategic Plan. We have established a close working relationship with HLC and its designated liaison for IIT, Dr. Sunil Ahuja (VP for Accreditation at HLC). .
Near Term Agenda NCA Accreditation Committee (21 members) Three Sub committees for Assessment, Quality Initiative, and HLC Accreditation Criteria Assessment Subcommittee has worked with faculty to develop and approve Assessment Plans for each academic program offered on campus. Each academic program is expected to submit an Assessment Report by September 30, 2014. This is an important deadline Quality Initiative Subcommittee developed a proposal on Student Persistence and Completion. HLC has accepted this proposal toward membership in its Academy Accreditation Criteria Subcommittee is working on an initial draft of sections of the Accreditation Report to be submitted to HLC by 2016. A Website highlighting all Accreditation related activities is being developed The workload of Committee members will increase over the next two years.