Intro to the Medieval Times


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Presentation transcript:

Intro to the Medieval Times World History

What Happened to Eastern Rome? When Rome split in half, the west fell more drastically, while the east maintained a united government It was called “the Byzantine Empire” They made Christianity the official religion Maintained much of Roman culture Architecture Laws Customs Art

The Fall of Rome in the West At Rome’s height, it united all of Western Europe under one government While each kingdom was separated by a lot of land, they were all protected by a code of laws and a common leader When Rome fell, this unity ended Each kingdom broke off little by little, into their own independent civilizations Developed their own laws, customs, and social structures Much like the barbarians before them

The “Dark Ages” This time period in Western Europe was known as the “Dark Ages” It was called this because it was a time of little cultural advancements Much of these lands were isolated from one another Prevents the spread and exchange of cultural ideals

What do you think of when you hear “Middle Ages”?

Watch the following video clips and write down what you notice. Think… Clothing Gender roles The role of a knight What they do for fun