University System of Georgia eCampus GAIRPAQ Annual Conference April 25, 2018
Agenda What is eCore / Collaborative Initiative What is the significance of data? How can we better assist you?
What is eCore 30 core, college level courses Offered through 22 partner public colleges /universities Credit is awarded by the institution Vetted USG Faculty
eCore Offerings Chemistry I US History I Chemistry II Math Modeling Human Communications English Comp I English Comp II World Lit I World Lit II American Lit I American Lit II Environmental Science Electronic Technology Intro to Geosciences Intro to Biology World History I World History II US History I Math Modeling College Algebra Pre-Calculus Intro to Statistics Calculus Intro to Philosophy Principles of Physics I American Government Intro to Psychology Intro to Sociology Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate Spanish II Music Appreciation Art Appreciation
eCore Benefits 17 years Accessible, Flexible, and Affordable Open Education Resources (low cost / no cost) Transferable credits (equivalency review) FY 2017 total eCore enrollment over 26,000
Hallmarks Milestone engagements Pre-emptive Day 3 Early alert Staff “assigned” to each course / faculty owned Resources eConnections tutorial course Smarthinking Embedded Librarians STEM Tutor Course Adaptive Learning pilot
Available Data Factbook - Demographics Research outcomes Success rates Administrative website - Enrollments Equivalency tables Learning outcomes SEADS - Milestone reports Withdrawal surveys Xitracs - Faculty credentials Faculty evaluations
Admin Website
Admin Website
Admin Website
SEADS – Student Engagement and Advancement Data System
How can we help?
Contact Karen Lingrell USG eCampus Partnerships 678-839-5278 Marla Wilks USG eCampus Data Analytics & Assessments 678-839-3786