New Enhancements in the eLEND Solutions’ Dealer Dashboard
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From the new “Communication” page, users can add notes, create follow-ups, and send messages to consumers or other members of the team. Users can also display certain messages of interest or sort by preferred entry.
Creating a “Note” will add an entry to the consumer’s Communication page. All users have access to view and create Notes. Many Notes are system generated.
Creating a “Follow-up” will assign/reassign the lead to the “Assigned To” user and apply the newly created follow-up comment on the Consumer Search page for everyone to view.
Users are able to “Send a Message” directly to a customer or to another user within the platform. Messages to a customer are instant back-and-forth exchanges after the application has been submitted. Sending messages to other users will show up as an “Alert” on their Consumer Search page.
Old Dashboard New Dashboard
Create Emails that send directly to the consumer’s Email address provided in their credit application. A whole list of default Email templates is available, upload your own Email templates, or create Emails from scratch.
All Emails sent from our system are time/date tracked and stored within the Email History tab. This includes Emails sent by any user and system generated Emails.