Stalin & the Totalitarian State
After Lenin’s Death Many tried to gain power. Trotsky vs. Stalin
Trotsky Scholar & skilled speaker Urged a world wide revolution against capitalism
Stalin Shrewd political operator Uses position to gain power Wanted to build socialism at home
Stalin Wins Trotsky is stripped of party and flees country in 1929 Eventually, in 1940, Trotsky was murdered by a Stalinist agent
Russia Under Stalin Command economy= government officials make all economic decisions Government owns all business
Economic Conditions Industry output is pushed Standard of living low Oil, coal, steel, and mining production Railroads built Standard of living low Central planning inefficient Shortages & surpluses Large quantities of low-quality goods
1934 The Great Purge Getting rid of anyone that Stalin thought was a threat Lost a lot of military generals that will hurt him in WWII
The Totalitarianism State A one party dictatorship that regulates every part of the peoples’ lives Stalin uses: Terror and Propaganda Religion is no more= Atheism, state policy, NO GOD Russian Orthodox Church supports Czars
Benefits for the People Free education for all Medical care Day care Housing Women won equality under the law Access to new jobs; doctors, engineers
The Arts Art must serve politics Socialist Realism= boost socialism by showing soviet life in a positive way Censorship Restrictions, must promote Stalin and communism