Duccio, c.1300. Madonna and Child Giotto, c.1305. Life of Christ, Lamentation (The Mourning of Christ)
13th or 14th century painting
Dr. Allen Farber, Associate Professor of Art History, SUNY Oneonta All images drawn from: “Holbein's The Ambassadors and Renaissance Ideas of Knowledge: "Gratiae invisibilis visibilia signa"” Dr. Allen Farber, Associate Professor of Art History, SUNY Oneonta Hans Holbein, The Ambassadors. 1533.
Hans Holbein, The Ambassadors. 1533. detail, lower shelf
Hans Holbein, The Ambassadors. 1533. detail, upper shelf
The Ambassadors detail, anamorphic skull
The Ambassadors. Detail of crucifix in upper left corner. Joos van Cleve, Saint Jerome in His Study (1525)