Week 2: What Can I Learn about Being Missional? (Genesis 12-25)
Week 2: What Can I Learn about Being Missional? (Genesis 12-25)
Abraham was Missional He was obedient He left his country, people, and family; without being told where
Abraham was Missional He was obedient God gave him something to be and do Isaiah 51:1-2 1 “Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness and who seek the LORD: Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn; 2 look to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth. When I called him he was but one, and I blessed him and made him many.”
Abraham was Missional He was obedient God gave him something to be and do He worshipped He endured hardships
Abraham was Missional He chose Canaan rather than Sodom Lot pitched his tent towards Sodom (Gen 13) Lot is sitting in the gateway of Sodom and has a home there in the city (Gen 19) Genesis 15:1-6
Abraham was Missional He chose Canaan rather than Sodom He trusted the Lord He was impatient, let’s not be! Abraham tried to adopt his servant Sarah tried to speed the process along by offering Hagar to produce an heir
Abraham was Missional He chose Canaan rather than Sodom He trusted the Lord He was impatient, let’s not be! He received a new identity Abram Abraham Sarai Sarah
Abraham was Missional He chose Canaan rather than Sodom He trusted the Lord He was impatient, let’s not be! He received a new identity He interceded for sinners and a nation Genesis 22
Abraham was Missional He was available He was tested He did not withhold anything from God He knew the Lord would provide He was concerned with the next generation
Will we learn from Abraham and obey God?