The Little Prince Chapters 24-25
OVERVIEW The pilot is desperate to repair his plane as his water supply is depleted. The Little Prince is instrumental in helping him find a well. The prince alludes to his own impending departure (death).
VOCABULARY (20 pts) Immensity (92) Radiation (93) Enchantment (93) Descent (98)
JOURNAL (25 pts) Analyze the significance of the water well. You may want to compare this section beginning with Little Prince’s words, “I am thirsty for this water…” with the reference to living water in John 4: 13-15, Bible. Read online version of bible verse.
EDITED ONE PAGE (100 pts) Analyze the literary devices: Similes—image of a rose that shines. . . Like the flame of a lamp (pp. 93-93); . . .as if he himself were a flame (p. 94); pulley moaned like an old weathervane (p. 94); it (water) was a sweet as some special festival treat (p. 96). Personification—We have wakened the well, and it is singing (p. 96) This is an ANALYTICAL prompt. You will need to define the device, show how the quote is evident of the definition, explain the meaning of the writing in terms of the literary device, and show how it enhances the meaning of the text.
Supplementary Activity None
BLOG (25 pts) Explain the universality of the phrases “…what gives them beauty is something invisible. . .What is most important is invisible (p. 93) Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. Here is my secret. It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
TOMORROW Chapters 26-27 Posted online