What is the difference between Anxiety and Stress? Stress Is Usually The Result Of External Pressures the stress often ends once the event or responsibility that is stressing you out passes Anxiety Keeps Hanging Around After The Problem Is Resolved Anxiety is when that stress doesn’t go away, and you start to worry about those situations recurring, or how your future will be impacted based on the results of your actions in those moments. Anxiety Involves Needless Worry According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, "all anxiety disorders have one thing in common: persistent, excessive fear or worry in situations that are not threatening." So while "I am worried that if I can't find a new job soon, I won't be able to pay rent this month" could be a stress-related thought, "I am worried that my boss secretly hates me and wants to fire me, and when she inevitably does that, I won't be able to pay rent" is definitely an anxious thought. Panic Attacks Are A Sign Of Anxiety, Not Stress