US Module Production Quality 58 ST Sensor Modules 6 R5N, 33 R5S, 12 L12p, 7 L34 53 Grade A, 2 Grade F, 3 Irradiated 1 CMN module, 1 damaged by handling, 3 irradiated 0.28% Faulty Channels Per Module 134 HPK Sensor Modules 24 L34p, 26 L56p 132 Grade A, 2 Grade F 1 High bias current module, 1 module damaged in handling 0.06% Faulty Channels Per Module All modules passed Vienna Box tests
Noise Studies Differences in noise noticed for modules produced with ST/HPK and with different hybrid versions No evidence of change of noise is observed in TOB1 modules Dramatic decrease of noise in TOB2 STM (Version 4) compared to STM (Version 3) HPK (Version 5) noise is slightly higher than in STM (Version 4)
TOB2: STM(H4) vs STM(H3) Over 0.1 ADC noise decrease in ST modules when changing from hybrid version 3 to version 4 Modules all re-tested on the same stand to confirm difference
TOB2: HPK(H5) vs STM new (H4) With newer hybrid versions, HPK modules have a slightly higher noise than ST module (~0.05 ADC in peak mode) As the depletion layer is smaller in HPK than ST sensors, this increase in noise is not unexpected
LT Data Processing Outline LT Thermal Cycle Root File XML File Defect Analyzer Root File LT Macro Summary Plots Text File with Summarized Results XML File script
Defect Analyzer Parses root file output from LT and creates an xml file with the data in format needed for uploading to database Bad channels are determined by applying cuts on each test performed Noise: Relative cuts are currently being used Due to slight change in average noise between First, Cold, and Last tests Peak Time: Absolute cuts are currently being used Pulse Height: Percentage cuts are currently being used
LT Macro Analyzes root files and creates plots for each test on a channel basis as well as summary files with a list of channel flags in each test mode. Script Modifications Identifies bad runs and makes comparison to ARCS database entry Much progress made over last few months Finalized cuts on the average value of each APV for CMN, Noise, and Peak Time Used as an absolute check against tests that use relative or percentage cutting methods (Noise, Pulse Height) The program now lists channel flags in ARCS, and channel flags in each temperature mode in LT (First, Cold, Last) Used to find discrepancies between channel flags in LT and ARCS Appends list of modules tested with Good/Bad flag to a summary.log file Used for automating qualification of production modules
Work to Be Done for LT Cut Values for Defect Analyzer must be tuned Final cuts are being set Waiting for more data False flags listed in xml files must be corrected Can be done manually after the data has been reviewed by modifying the xml file (very tedious) Flagging algorithm can be modified to reduced false flag rate False flags can be ignored and uploaded into database Rate of false flags small, but noticable (X/module)