Chapter 19-20
Paul’s Great Adventure 3rd Mission
Paul’s 3rd Mission Companions Acts 19:22 Acts 20:4 Sopater Aristarchus Secundus Gaius Tychus Trophimus Timothy Erastus 1st - Let’s find out who Paul’s Missionary Companions were on his 3rd Mission: In this third journey, we notice that Paul, in most stages, had many companions traveling with him. People travelled ahead to make arrangements for Paul. People gave him lodging. This mission was a little more difficult and he was aided by the help of members of the church along the way.
So where did he go on this 3rd Mission? 1 2 So where did he go on this 3rd Mission? After spending some time in Syrian Antioch, Paul starts on his Third Missionary Journey, and ... proceeded to visit systematically throughout Galatia and Phyrgia (click for #1) (two large areas in which Paul must have spent quite a few months), putting new heart into all the disciples as he went. He then moves on to Ephesus (click for #2) where he stayed for nearly 3 years! He then decided to go on to Jerusalem but by way of Macedonia (click for #3) and traveled through Philippi & Thessalonica, down to Corinth & back up and around to Ephesus again and then sailed from there (click for #4) down to Tyre (click for #5) before heading to Jerusalem. Today, rather than go intricately through every stop on Paul’s mission - we are going to look at some significant events that occurred for him along the way and see what applications we can find for our lives. 4 5
Have you ever wondered how Heavenly Father feels about those who baptize and perform other ordinances in His name without having the proper authority? Is there a difference between those whom God has called and those who call themselves? Is there a difference between those whom God has called and those who call themselves?
During his 3rd mission these differences were very apparent! Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves.... by their fruits ye shall know them Matt 7:15-17 In His Sermon on the Mount - Christ warned us of those who purport to have come in His name but instead, really have other motives.... Matt 7:15-17 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits... 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. When Paul traveled through Ephesus, and other places on his 3rd Mission, these differences were very apparent. Let’s look at some of the between those whom God has called and those who have called themselves - During his 3rd mission these differences were very apparent!
Look for Gospel Truths Paul is teaching By their Fruits, ye shall know them… Acts 19:2-9 Look for Gospel Truths Paul is teaching The first example we find in Acts 19:2-9 As we read through this account - look for Gospel truths - Paul is teaching & what his Actions show! Those disciples were baptized in the manner that John the Baptist baptized but by someone who did not have the proper authority. These men were previously baptized but by someone without proper authority
What actions in this story support the By their Fruits, ye shall know them… Acts 19:2-9 What actions in this story support the 4th Article of Faith? Can you find examples in this story that support the 4th Article of Faith? Faith in the Jesus Christ Repentance Baptism Laying on of Hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost Imagine you are talking to someone of another faith about baptism - and he or she says “I have already been baptized in my church.” How would you help this person understand, in a sensitive way, why he or she would need to be baptized again? What scriptures or experiences would you share? Christ went to John to be baptized Paul - baptized those who had not been properly baptized How about SM? Hebrews 5:4 We’ve already talked about the 4th Article of Faith.... I there another Article of Faith you could use in this instance? How about the 5th? Anyone remember it? Baptism by someone who has authority - 5th Article of Faith These men were previously baptized but by someone without proper authority
By their Fruits, ye shall know them… Imagine you are talking about baptism to someone of another faith. This person says, “I’ve already been baptized in my church Can you find examples in this story that support the 4th Article of Faith? Faith in the Jesus Christ Repentance Baptism Laying on of Hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost Imagine you are talking to someone of another faith about baptism - and he or she says “I have already been baptized in my church.” How would you help this person understand, in a sensitive way, why he or she would need to be baptized again? What scriptures or experiences would you share? Christ went to John to be baptized Paul - baptized those who had not been properly baptized How about SM? Hebrews 5:4 We’ve already talked about the 4th Article of Faith.... I there another Article of Faith you could use in this instance? How about the 5th? Anyone remember it? Baptism by someone who has authority - 5th Article of Faith How could you help them understand the need to be baptized again? What scriptures or experiences could you share?
By their Fruits, ye shall know them… Acts 19:2-9 5th Article of Faith The first example we find in Acts 19:2-9 As we read through this account - look for Gospel truths - Paul is teaching & what his Actions show! Those disciples were baptized in the manner that John the Baptist baptized but by someone who did not have the proper authority. Can you find examples in this story that support the 4th Article of Faith? Faith in the Jesus Christ Repentance Baptism Laying on of Hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost Imagine you are talking to someone of another faith about baptism - and he or she says “I have already been baptized in my church.” How would you help this person understand, in a sensitive way, why he or she would need to be baptized again? What scriptures or experiences would you share? Christ went to John to be baptized Paul - baptized those who had not been properly baptized How about SM? Hebrews 5:4 We’ve already talked about the 4th Article of Faith.... I there another Article of Faith you could use in this instance? How about the 5th? Anyone remember it? Baptism by someone who has authority - 5th Article of Faith We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gosepl and administer in the ordinances thereof. Hebrews 5:4
By their Fruits, ye shall know them… Acts 19:11-20 We’ve talked about Authority - Let’s talk about Fruits... go over the story Acts 19:11-20 explaining as you go along.
Acts 19:23-41 By their Fruits, ye shall know them… Notice the effect Paul’s preaching had in Ephesus. As certain Gentiles heard and accepted Paul’s message, they gave up their idolatry. Because they no longer worshiped at the temple of Diana, the people also stopped purchasing the little statues of the goddess by which Demetrius and the other silversmiths made their living. The silversmiths began a riot against the Christians, claiming to be fighting for the honor of their false goddess but really hoping to regain the source of their wealth. Look for the effect Paul’s preaching had in Ephesus…
By their fruits ye shall know them Paul is definitely an example of the believers... one who’s actions testify of his belief in the Savior. And being filled with the Spirit - he bore the fruit of the Spirit.. What is the fruit of the Spirit? Have some one look up Galatians 5:22-23 and click to the next slide.
How can WE be filled with the fruit of the Spirit?
https://www. lds. org/media-library/video/2010-02-04-love-one-another 1:51 min 1:51 min 3:38 min 3:38 min
Invite the Spirit into your life & be filled!