Chapter 5 Beyond the Local Chapter
#1. The National Convention Held in Indianapolis, Indiana…2006 Largest youth convention in the world 50,000 members and guests attend each year Held in Louisville for the first time in 1999 Indianapolis 2006-2011
#2. What happens at the National FFA Convention? Leadership activities Career Development Events Guest speakers Educational Tours Career Show National Talent, Band, Chorus Make new friends
#3. FFA New Horizons 6 issues each year Articles about FFA members
#4. Voting Delegates Alabama has 8 voting delegates Kimberly Henderson was a delegate in 2005 Enterprise String Band and Quartet sang for the Delegates at several conventions.
#5. Montgomery, Alabama Approximately 1500 attend Contests and awards Career Show Chapter Officers attend Chapter winners compete State FFA Degree winners National Chapter Award
#6. National Officers: Travel Nationally Travel Internationally Represent FFA Speak at FFA and other functions Meet with business officials in the U.S and abroad
#7. Leadership seminars MFE-Made for Excellence WLC-Washington Leadership Conference PALS-Partners in Active Learning Support EDGE-Experience Discovery, Growth and Excellence ALD-Advance Leadership Development
#8. International experience Explore the world Pursue career success Develop leadership skills It’s Fun
-The End- Set your goals high Thank you for your kind attention.