Our Scrutiny Journey West Lothian Council Sarah Kelly Improvement Team Manager Housing, Construction and Building Services Alison Kerr Tenant Inspector
A Culture of Scrutiny WLC has strong performance led approach Self assessment and external scrutiny are cornerstones Core activity for 16 years in HCBS Partnership between leaders, all staff and tenants Inspection timetable planned each year in consultation Delivers key benefits for service delivery Can be aligned to areas of weakness, ARC & dissatisfaction Helps identify and drive service priorities
The 5 P’s!
Initial Reactions…..
Preparation for Inspection!
Promoting the benefits Bring everyone along with you – critical! Training – build capacity/skills Guidance – The TLI Toolkit Tells us where the important issues for tenants are Sometimes the solution is simple! An opportunity to help tenants understand our processes Highlights service strengths Builds trust and shared ownership of service Can direct service internal review Cross-cutting services – widening scrutiny
TLI Explained Alison Kerr – Tenant Inspector Focuses on key areas of service delivery 6-8 inspectors in a team Inspections are carried out as a ‘Customer Journey’ Each inspection has a plan lasting 6-8 weeks Inspectors access staff, records and documentation, visit workplaces & properties, mystery shop and interview staff and customers A report is written and delivered to senior managers highlighting findings and recommendations Service then has 28 days to produce an action plan
Benefits for everyone Tenants gain skills and confidence Better understanding of service area Work in partnership with staff Influence improvement in service delivery Scrutinise at a level that suits individuals Highly regarded by Housing, Construction & Building Services as a tool for scrutiny
What’s Next? HRA scrutiny Launch of new Tenant Led Inspector toolkit Training programme for new inspectors Selection of new areas for inspection Continue to blaze a trail!
sarah.kelly@westlothian.gov.uk 01506 281877 Contact Details: sarah.kelly@westlothian.gov.uk 01506 281877