STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 [Course Name] [Resource Reference (e.g., Student Resource 1.1)] TITLE SLIDE On this slide, specialists should insert the logo of the agency where you are visiting. This is usually accessed from the website. When arranging the speaking engagement, ask for a tif or jpg of the logo. POST TITLE SLIDE: When arriving at the workshop site, this slide should be on the screen approximately 10 – 15 minutes before the workshop begins. SPECIAL NOTE: We are now the STEM Center for Teaching & Learning. Our focus is on teaching and learning. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc
Research & Development Who? Research & Development Why? What ? How?
What is Research & Development? Inventions and innovations are the results of specific, goal-oriented research. Because the development of technologies these days is driven by the profit motive and the market, many companies have a Research and Development (R&D) department, whose responsibility is to work with innovations. Companies located in the United States that have research and development activities—both U.S.-owned businesses and U.S. affiliates of foreign parents—reported worldwide sales of $11 trillion in calendar year 2008 and worldwide R&D expenses of $330 billion We already know that the company’s goals and current fads play a role in product design. Companies spend millions of dollars every year on research and development (R&D) to assist them in the design and marketing of their products. Statistic taken from: Companies located in the United States that have research and development activities—both U.S.-owned businesses and U.S. affiliates of foreign parents—reported worldwide sales of $11 trillion in calendar year 2008 and worldwide R&D expenses of $330 billion. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Who does Research & Development? Each entity has its own process Private Companies Public Companies Government Universities R& D Teams Engineers Product Designers Researchers Scientists Creative and technical knowledge © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
Why do companies do Research & Development? Companies use R&D to increase profit margins. Improve on a current or previous product Completely new product IMPROVED! © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
How do companies do Research & Development? Each entity has its own process Technology/Product need is identified market research research on manufacturing brainstorm Prototype testing and development Optimization Product documentation developed Manufacturing and Marketing considerations Full-scale production Release product Depending on what company you work for, they will have specific steps their company follows for R&D. These steps are general guidelines for R&D process. © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology
STEMCenter for Teaching & Learning™ Engineering byDesign™ 12/01/2009 References Text Needed © 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association STEMCenter for Teaching and Learning™ [Name of Course Guide] © International Technology Education Assoc