Personnel Information System Adesh Khadka IT Director Ministry of Finance
Presentation Outline Introduction: DOCPR & PIS Process In PIS 1 Introduction: DOCPR & PIS 2 Process In PIS 3 Challenges DoCPR, Hariharbhawan 11/20/2018
Information System An information system (IS) can be any organized combination of people, hardware, software, communications networks, and data resources that collect, transforms, and disseminate information in an organization.
Resources for Information System Information Resources: such as data, Information and Knowledge Technology Resources: such as hardware, software and networks People Resources : both technical and end users Effective Information Management requires careful control of three types of resources
Information Lifecycle Capture Organize Process Maintain Destroy
Department of Civil Personnel Records DoCPR is a central record-keeping agency DoCPR Mission: To have Scientific Recordkeeping and deliver Effective Service acting as Human- Resource Information Center for government The department has three primary functions Record keeping of all civil servants Human Resource Information System Deliver Pension and Gratuity
Technical Details Back end (Database): Oracle 10g Front end (Web ): PHP Application Server: Apache Operating System: Vmaware +Linux Hardware: Dell Server Interface Brower compatibility: Mozilla Firefox and other browser
Central Human Resource Information System No other System Exists PIS as Infrastructure Central Human Resource Information System No other System Exists Post Management System Pension and Gratuity System Salary Management System Asset Tracking System PIS External System
Presentation Outline Introduction: DOCPR & PIS Process In PIS 1 Introduction: DOCPR & PIS 2 Process In PIS 3 Challenges
Personnel Information HRMS Process Overview Personnel Information
Generation of Event Document (such as letters, orders, etc.) Appointment Entry in PIS Human Resource Management System Generates PID No. PIS PMS Payroll Assets Pension Updates Post/Position Generation of Event Document (such as letters, orders, etc.) Sends a copy to concerned Employee/Ministry/Department/Office for reference
Human Resource Management System Service Events Transfer Promotion Deputation Placement Suspension Resignation Updates details in PIS Human Resource Management System Updates details in PIS PIS PMS Payroll Assets Pension Updates Post/Position Personal Details Education Awards Training Medical Leave Disciplinary Action Generation of Event Document (such as letters, orders, etc.) Generation of Event Document (such as letters, orders, etc.) Sends a copy to concerned Employee/Ministry/Department/Office for reference Sends a copy to concerned Employee/Ministry/Department/Office for reference
HRMS Process Overview Post Management
Human Resource Management System PIS PMS Payroll Assets Pension Fulfilled Strength Government (Structure and Hierarchy) Ministry Department Sanctioned Strength Office Position (Structure and Hierarchy) Service (Structure and Hierarchy) Vacancies
HRMS Process Overview Payroll
Loan/Advances Recovery Human Resource Management System PIS PMS Payroll Assets Pension Basic Pay Total Additions Class & Position Allowances Scale of Pay Employee wise Allowance Mapping Gross Salary Present Basic Pay Initial Pay Increments Total Deductions PF, Insurance Pay Slips, Pay Bills, Integration to the treasury Tax Reports, PF Reports, Addition Reports, Deduction Reports Insurance Reports & other MIS Taxes Loan/Advances Recovery Loan Processing Tax Slab Net Salary
HRMS Process Overview Assets
Generation of Event Document Submits his/her annual Asset Details Updates Asset Database Human Resource Management System PIS PMS Payroll Assets Pension Generation of Event Document Sends a copy to concerned Employee/Ministry/Department/Office for reference
Pensions and Gratuities HRMS Process Overview Pensions and Gratuities
Pre-Pension Service Events
Updates Post/Position Scenario 1: Normal Retirement Updates Details in PIS Manual Verification Forecasts Retirees Human Resource Management System PIS PMS Payroll Assets Pension Retires Employee Updates Post/Position Generation of Event Document Sends a copy to concerned Employee/Ministry/Department/Office for reference
Updates Post/Position Scenario 2: Resignation or Expiry Updates Details in PIS Expires 1 2 Resignation Human Resource Management System PIS PMS Payroll Assets Pension Retires Employee Updates Post/Position Generation of Event Document Sends a copy to concerned Employee/Ministry/Department/Office for reference
Post Pension Service Events
Human Resource Management System If Pension : Updates Pension Database Generates Unique Pension ID Pension Book Calculates Pension Amount Maintains Bank Details Human Resource Management System PIS PMS Payroll Assets Pension Checks for Pension or Gratuity Generation of Event Document If Gratuity : Updates Pension Database Sends a copy to concerned Employee/Ministry/Department/Office for reference Generates Unique Gratuity ID Calculates Gratuity Amount
Family Pension (Survivor Pension)
Monitoring and Reporting Audit Trails MIS Reports
Presentation Outline Introduction: DOCPR & PIS Process In PIS 1 Introduction: DOCPR & PIS 2 Process In PIS 3 Challenges and Future
Core principles of information security Confidentiality : prevention of the disclosure of information to unauthorized individuals or systems Integrity: data cannot be modified undetectably Availability: the information must be available when it is needed. Authenticity ensure that the data, transactions, communications or documents (electronic or physical) are genuine non-repudiation implies one's intention to fulfill their obligations to a contract
Challenges Government Process Re-Engineering Standard Information Exchange Mechanism Training(Lack ) and Retention(Frequent Transfer) Technical and Financial Resources Structure: Legal, Organizational Resistance to change Security and Backup Confidentiality (Privacy)
Future of HRIS According to a Workforce survey, a large number of employers want to replace, upgrade, reimagine, or re- implement their core HR systems to make them more user-friendly for the workforce and easier to maintain from an IT standpoint. Real Time Talent Management Mobile Social HR
Automation without SKILLS polarized labor markets and greater inequality SOURCE: World Bank. Data at
Contact: Adesh Khadka 9840050399 Thank you for your kind Attention Contact: Adesh Khadka 9840050399