HELLO! Hello! I am not your mother’s telephone…
…or her flowery stationary, but don’t get me wrong they are my friends and I do appreciate their way of helping your Fellowship communicate.
Oh and really, I hate to brag, but I do not require a stamp or several days to get where I’m going (shrug shoulders) …just saying.
I am Social media!
Facebook. Twitter. LinkedIn Facebook? Twitter? LinkedIn? I’m sure you’ve heard of me (Thought Force gets up as if to run off)…
…wait, wait don’t run!
I’m safer than you think and your anonymity can still rest within your comfort zone. I invite you to better stay connected and broaden the way you carry the message by using my new, well not so new anymore, and innovative forms of communication.
Following the spiritual principle of attraction, let me ask you, are you attracting the new young members with old styles of communication?
Are the professionals missing out by you not using my form of communication?
Is it possible when you drop off literature to the professionals it may get stuck in the back of a drawer never to be seen again?
You know… I will pop up in front of the professionals often with fresh new information and I don’t even need you to deliver me (Panel act all irritated and worried). No, no calm down!
I’ll still need you to initially tell members about me but then I will, in a non-intrusive way, automatically bring new information to them.
Is fear or complacency stopping you from at the very least learning how the Al-Anon Family Group Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts works? (half of Thought Force will look scared other half will look complacent)
Even if you do not desire my services, do you have enough knowledge of what I am and what I can do so you can pass me on to members and non-members who would enjoy my form of communication from the WSO? (Thought Force shakes their heads no).
Please don’t put me on the back burner… I feel so left out there Please don’t put me on the back burner… I feel so left out there! (Thought Force holds up signs that say “don’t be sad we can fix you!”) Great! I invite you to get into curiosity! I encourage you to broaden the way you carry the message or simply stay connected to the WSO by using the tools I have to offer.
I’m flattered that I’m mentioned in your Service Manual, pages 110 & 116. Someone must think I’m Ok! But before I say goodbye or better yet, see you soon, I would like to share a few facts and thoughts.
1. If you have a Facebook page and dare to “friend” the Al-Anon Family Group page only you will see the post. If you “like” it or “share” the post, all your friends will then see the post. I have heard there are members who are sharing and feel they are not breaking anyone’s anonymity. Once again, that is a personal choice.
Here’s a thought to ponder, if one of your Facebook friends posts a video, hmmm, let’s say relating to female mud wrestling, and it makes you laugh so you click “share” or “like” for all your Facebook friends to see. Do you just assume everyone will think you’ll be participating in the next worldwide Championship mud wrestling competition? (Thought Force shouts out: We Think Not!)
2. OK then let’s move on to Twitter and LinkedIn 2. OK then let’s move on to Twitter and LinkedIn. If you have a Twitter or LinkedIn account and follow Al-Anon Family Groups, you would have to retweet for your followers to see the Al-Anon Family Group Tweets.
…And on LinkedIn, similar to Facebook, you would have to click “like” or “share” for your connections to see the Al-Anon Family Groups post.
Consider this… by following the Al-Anon Family Groups Facebook page or seeing daily tweets or LinkedIn posts from the Al-Anon Family Groups, you or the professionals would be reminded often of all the great tools provided by the WSO…
…and be pointed toward the Al-Anon Family Group Web site which is full of amazing information. Remember “If you’re not moving forward you must be moving backwards.”
Expand your vision. Be open to me Expand your vision! Be open to me! I believe you will be surprised at the doors I can open! The way I travel does not require feet so I’ll have to depend on you to take the steps and do the footwork of making me a part of how you keep connected to the WSO and do public outreach.
Thanks for letting me share!