Impact of the Slavery on Political Parties
Democratic Party Embraced labor theory of value: the proceeds of wealth should go to the person that creates the product Did not like wage labor thus had problems with industrialization Turned workers into slaves Embraced immigrants: they were votes Championed individual rights Supported separation of church and state (Catholic immigrants applauded) Opposed temperance States’ Rights Opposed tariffs, transportation improvements, national bank National Party – split on slavery by section.
The Whigs (1833-1856) Internal improvements Tariffs to protect American industry and labor from low-wage foreign competition Centralized banking system Many embraced temperance – sober up America Believed public schools provided opportunity for all Americans to achieve success – provided an education for all – rich or poor Supported expansion Stronger Central Government Had a southern contingent of wealthy land owners who opposed Jackson’s catering to the yeoman farmers Non committed on the issue of slavery - “cotton Whigs” vs. “conscience Whigs”
End of the Whigs Poor leaders: Taylor was an apolitical war hero elected because of name recognition Anti-Jackson party without a clear vision on slavery Kansas-Nebraska Act will be the death nail
Free Soilers: 1848-1854 Created from Conscience Whigs and anti-slavery Democrats Advocates of free soil, (availability of land to all in the west), free speech, and free men (abolition of slavery) Nominated Martin Van Buren as president in 1848 and John P. Hale in 1852 Kept issue of abolition alive, but little impact otherwise Only a one-trick pony. Replaced by Republicans Northern conscience whigs opposed slavery. Taylor was a do nothing president regarding slavery.
Know Nothings 1845-1860 Formed in the 1840’s of frustrated Whigs and Democrats Anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant WASPS and Nativists Opposed to large influx of Germans and Irish on the east coast in the 1840’s Only presidential candidate: Millard Fillmore in 1856 Split on slavery issue – not their priority Favored temperance Increase naturalization laws Feared loss of jobs to immigrants, did not like the slums and welfare programs that developed to aid the poor immigrants KN wanted to increase naturalization to 21 years, restrict officeholding to natives
Republican Party Founded in Ripon, WI - 1854 Kansas-Nebraska caused Abe Lincoln to go into politics and join the Republicans Anti-slavery Whiggish in economics – favored federal banks, internal improvements, promoting industry Encouraged western settlement with land grants