The Development of Political Parties in the U.S. **President George Washington warned in his farewell speech in 1796 against “baneful effects of the spirit of party”. Political party - - a group of citizens who agree on major issues who join together to win elections, control government, and influence government policies. **The role political parties play in government depends on the type of government a nation has.
The One-Party System -The party is the government -Differences arise only within the party -Usually tolerates no outside opposition. -Cannot exist in a democracy. Ex. Communism in Russia, Cuba, North Korea, China Authoritarian Regimes-Saddam Hussein in Iraq Islamic Republican Party-Iran
Multiparty System -Many parties -Most common -Parties often represent widely differing ideologies (basic beliefs) -One party rarely gets total control, so several parties must work together to form a coalition. If coalition falls, a new election must take place. -Nations with parliament and prime minister -Often unstable- -difficult to get groups to work together to agree. Examples: France Italy Two-Party System -Two major political parties and some minor parties. Example: United States
1st Political Parties of the U.S. **In 1796, George Washington warned in his farewell speech against “baneful effects of the spirit of party”. However, two parties had already emerged: Federalists- -led by Alexander Hamilton and encouraged a strong central government with a powerful chief executive. 2. Democratic-Republicans- -led by Thomas Jefferson and feared a powerful central government. They wanted the states to hold greater power.
**In 1828, the Democratic and Republican party split into 2 parties. -Democrats nominated Andrew Jackson (when the donkey became symbol) -National Republicans become Whigs. **In 1850, Slavery split the parties: Democrats become- -Northern Democrats - -Southern Democrats Republicans- -totally oppose the spread of slavery **After the Civil War, the Democrat and Republican parties emerge and still exist today as the major parties although their platforms have changed through out the years.
The Role of Minor Political Parties **Third parties have always been a part of the U.S. political scene and do play an important role. Third Party- -any party other than the 2 major parties. - -often called minor parties - -rarely win elections Ex. Populist Party, Progressive Party, Reform Party, Green Party
3 Types of Third Parties Single Issue Party- -focuses exclusively on one major social, economic, or moral issue. - -generally short-lived Ex. Free Soil Party- -stop the spread of slavery. 2. Ideological Party- -focuses on an overall change in society. Ex. Communist- -government ownership for the people Libertarian Party- -drastic reduction in government in order to increase personal freedoms. 3. Splinter Party- -splits from a major party over a disagreement. Ex. Progressive Party- -split when Taft was given Republican nomination.
Impact of Third Parties They have influenced the outcome of major elections. Ex. Bull Moose Party split the Republicans so a Democrat won election. 2. They can influence policy and law. Ex. Populist Party platform brought laws concerning workers rights Direct election of senators, progressive income tax, 8 hour work day
Difficult getting on the ballot of all 50 states. -requires petitions Third Party Obstacles Difficult getting on the ballot of all 50 states. -requires petitions 2. Hard to win in districts -we have single winner instead of proportional seats Difficult to raise money. -Most don’t want to donate to minor parties Gary Johnson, nominee for the Libertarian Party. Jill Stein, nominee for the Green Party.