Teacher : Jennifer Maysmor-Gee Unit 4 – Fitness Training and Programming Unit 15 – Instructing Physical Activity and Exercise Teacher : Jennifer Maysmor-Gee
Discussion on expectations and assignments Assignment 1 theory (hand in 28th September 2012) Assignment 2 practical (hand in 26th October 2012) – must have PE kit Assignment 3 theory (hand in 17th December 2012)
Expectations in lessons No mobile phones No hats No food or drink Bring pen and paper to all lessons
Objectives:- All to identify the components of fitness CoF) and method of training MoT) All to relate the components of fitness to a sport All to describe the components of fitness and methods of training
What are the components of fitness (CoF) Muscular endurance Aerobic endurance Flexibility Speed Power Strength
Describe the CoF using information from the course book Learner activity Describe the CoF using information from the course book
Write down three things that you learnt today Plenary Write down three things that you learnt today