natural sciences 2
Which are the living things? Which are the non-living things?
We classify animals and plants into two kingdoms: The Animal Kingdom and The Plant Kingdom
Are these animals vertebrates or invertebrates? Animals can be vertebrates or invertebrates. Vertebrates have a backbone. Invertebrates don’t have a backbone.
Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish are vertebrates. Can you identify each group? FISH AMPHIBIAN BIRD REPTILE MAMMAL
Molluscs, arthropods and worms are invertebrates. Can you identify each group? MOLLUSC WORM ARTHROPOD
Arthropods have three parts. Can you say which ones? HEAD THORAX ABDOMEN
O H O O C H Herbivores eat plants. Carnivores eat other animals. Omnivores eat plants and other animals. Can you classify these animals? O H O O C H