Oregon Student Record Transfer EXchange OSTX Oregon Student Record Transfer EXchange 9/15/2011 09:10 am
What is OSTX? An ODE developed application providing immediate access to selected student data for authorized individuals Expedites the accurate placement of incoming students for a legitimate educational reason such as enrolling a student Provides for the transfer of student transcript data to the Oregon University System . Just an application developed by ODE at the request of the legislature that allows for immediate access to student data. OSTX also provides a high school user the ability to send transcripts to Oregon Universities for one or more students. 3 things that must have taken place before getting access to the data Must be an authorized user Must have a legitimate educational reason to see the student’s record Data must have been sent to ODE through a Regional Data Warehouse Provider or directly 11/20/2018 9/15/2011 09:10 am
OSTX Benefits Electronic method for sending transcripts Mail costs $7 to $10 per transcript Streamlines placement of incoming students Accurate placement ensures students stay in the classes they are scheduled in OAKS and ELPA historical assessment data no matter when and where the test was taken Not a replacement for the Cumulative student record. Not a new student system. Uses your student system data. 11/20/2018
KIDS Timing Process The data is updated in the SIS and then the data is extracted to the RDW. That evening after the RDW has the data the data is extracted to the ODE. The following day the data is processed by ODE and if there aren’t any errors the data is posted to the ODS and available for OSTX to use. 11/20/2018
Types of Data Available for OSTX Student Demographics Guardians Enrollment History Attendance History Programs Immunizations Discipline Marks Academic History Graduation Status Test Administration Test Scores LEP Special Education 11/20/2018
Authorization Related Laws and Rules Laws: LEAs are required to request student records within 10 days of initial enrollment - ORS 326.575 (1) LEAs shall transfer all student records within 10 days of request - ORS 326.575 (2) An electronic student record may be used to transfer student record information – ORS 326.580 (2) Rules: Educational agency may disclose a student record without consent to an LEA in which the student seeks or intends to enroll – 581- 021-0340 (2) Educational agency shall record each request for access to and each disclosure of an education record – 581-021-0400 (1) Each request or disclosure record must include: parties who have requested or received information, date access was given, legitimate interest of the party – 581-021-0400 (A,B,C) Click to place circle around the first rule Discuss logging
Authorization http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2011/2011601.pdf FERPA authorizes or permits specific users and uses of personally identifiable information in student education records without the written consent of the parent or eligible student. Authorized disclosures include, but are not limited to… …officials of another school, school system or postsecondary institution in which the student seeks to enroll. Reference: NCES Basic Concepts and Definitions for Privacy and Confidentiality in Student Education Records, Pg. 4, Disclosures of Confidential Information, paragraph 2 http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2011/2011601.pdf 11/20/2018
Training Overview Training is hands-on Demo site allows continued practice before working with your live data Training will take place at various locations around the state Video training and other alternatives will be developed 11/20/2018
Currently Scheduled Trainings Workshops scheduled Oct. 18 *Full* Beaverton SD 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. *Full* Willamette ESD 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 20 *Full* Multnomah ESD 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Oct. 21 *Open* Hood River SD (COE Rm 5) 9:30 a.m. to noon Oct. 25 *Open* Intermountain ESD Oct. 27 *Open* Malheur ESD Oct. 28 *Open* Bend-LaPine SD 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Nov. 1 *Full* Linn-Benton-Lincoln ESD Other workshops will be provided at different locations…. as long as the budget holds out SK Lane ESD Clackamas ESD Lincoln City Astoria …and others where there is a demand – 20 participants (less in some situations) One of me so we have to make the best use of my time.
Registering for a Session http://www.planetReg.com/E82020954228 Enter Quantity Enter required information Review your entries Click Register Confirmation notice will be sent to the email entered Totals Beaverton 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. 25 Bend-Lapine Hood River SD (COE Rm 5) 9:30-noon 12 Intermountain ESD 9:30-noon 21 Linn-Benton-Lincoln ESD 9:30-noon 40 Malheur ESD 9:30-noon 4 Multnomah ESD 1:00-3:30 p.m. 24 Willamette ESD 2-4:30 a.m. 28 Grand Total 126
OSTX Application Overview
Objectives Learn how to use the OSTX application Look up incoming student’s data Request a student’s records Approve requests form other schools Send transcripts for your students Review historical assessment data Understand the data that OSTX displays Where it comes from and how often it is updated Learn how to get support Regional Data Warehouse Provider, ODE, or OUS Thank you for allowing us to provide this information about a new application developed by ODE Assessment data back to 2004-2005 for OAKS data. 2006-2007 for ELPA data. 11/20/2018 9/15/2011 09:10 am
OSTX Core Features My Students / Send Transcript Request Records Approvals History 11/20/2018
The application’s core features are separated into tabs Application Tabs The application’s core features are separated into tabs Start Lesson One 11/20/2018 11/20/2018
Searching for “My Students” 11/20/2018
Start Lesson Two
Lesson 2 11/20/2018
Sending Electronic Transcripts Start Lesson Three 11/20/2018
Lesson 3 11/20/2018
Request Student Information Start Lesson Four 11/20/2018
Lesson 4 11/20/2018
Approvals Start Lesson Five 11/20/2018 11/20/2018
History Start Lesson Six 11/20/2018
Contact Information Joel Robe, Director of Data Management joel.robe@state.or.us 503-947-5709 Marty Olson, Senior Developer marty.olson@state.or.us 503-947-5793 11/20/2018