Advancing High-Value Imaging Wednesday May 16 & Thursday May 17, 2018 WIFI Network: Password: Advancing High-Value Imaging To The Academy & National Institute of Standards and Technology Workshop Wednesday May 16 & Thursday May 17, 2018
**HOUSEKEEPING** Safety first! Breakout sessions Lunch Reception this evening @ 5:45pm Questions?: text Emily 202.446.6824
Fire Evacuation Alarm – Depart Building to Parking Lot Alarm Sounding & Strobe Light Flashing Evacuation Procedures • Leave the area and close the door behind you. • Evacuate by the nearest safe exit stairwell. • Go to the designated assembly area. • Inform Evacuation Coordinator or emergency personnel of any individual needing assistance • Remain in the assembly area and await further instructions.
Not An Exit Exit down stairwell to outside Additional exits at rear of auditorium Once outside building proceed Administration Building parking lot – marked with Yellow Visitor sign on blacktop MISSION: advocacy organization committed to advancing research in medical imaging, by engaging a community of developing and experienced imaging scientists, novel technology experts, patients and their advocates, we promote shared learning and communication on both current research and future initiatives. Inform the public and policy makers about how imaging and image-guided therapies translate into disease prevention, earlier and more accurate diagnoses, and improved quality of health care. MEMBERSHIP: Academic Research Departments, Imaging Societies, Patient Advocacy Groups, Industry Who is the Academy? Story Tellers. Focus is RESEARCH FUNDING. Advocacy organization, originally created by 30 imaging societies to advocate for an IC @ NIH Advocate for federal investment into medical imaging research: Education Advocacy on Capitol Hill Meet w MOC Host interactive events Collaboration beyond our research community
Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research Coalition for Imaging & Bioengineering Research (Est. 2008) Imaging Societies Research Departments Distinguished Investigators Early Career Investigators Patient Advocates Bioengineering Organizations Industry Partners
Advocacy Timeline
Inter Agency Working Group on Medical Imaging (IWGMI)
Academy NIST Workshop Participants Collaboration Government Agencies CMS FDA NIH/NIBIB/NCI NIST VA White House OSTP Companies Imaging 19 Academic Departments 9 Imaging Societies Specialties Radiology Cardiology Nuclear Medicine Oncology Pathology Agfa Epic R & D Hologic IBM Watson Philips Siemens Vital Images Canon Envoy AI GE Konica QalibreMD TeraRecon
What is the role of the Academy? Continue to facilitate cooperation & collaboration within and beyond the medical imaging community. Report on this workshop to interested organizations, agencies and companies engaged but unable to attend today. Assist with the coordination of any output/action items.