St Ailbe’s 1st year Information Evening for Parents Welcome all parents/guardians of all 1st year students Thank you for selecting St Ailbe’s for your son/daughter.
Outline Curriculum Timetables Pastoral Care Way2pay Communication with school / Parents Student Journal
School Day Monday & Wednesday Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 4 periods x 40 minutes each 8.50 – 11.30 Break 11.30 – 11.45 2 periods x 40 minutes each 11.15 – 1.15 Lunch 1.05 – 1.40 3 periods x 40 minutes each 1.50 – 3.50 4 periods x 40 minutes each 8.50 – 11.30 Break 11.30 – 11.45 2 periods x 40 minutes each 11.15 – 1.15 Lunch 1.05 – 2.00 each 1.50 – 3.50
Junior Cycle Core subjects: Irish English Maths Science French Intercultural and Religious Studies** ** Non – exam. Plus three option subjects: Art, Craft & Design (ACD) Music Home Economics Woodwork Technical Graphics Metalwork History Geography Business
Option Blocks Students given a 6 week block of tasters for each subject and will pick 1 subject from the 3 option blocks which they will then carry forward to Junior Cycle with the Core Subjects. That is 3 subjects from the options.
Timetable 1
Timetable 2
Materials General Items for Every Subject: Pens at least 3 colours, Sharpener, Easer, 2 Pencil, Ruler Highlighters, Coloured Markers 14 Mesh Storage Zip Wallets, 14 A4 Plastic Document Pockets Wallets Subjects Materials English 1 A4 hardback copy 1 120-page soft back copy English Dictionary Irish 60-page Display Book Irish Dictionary Maths Casio fx-83GT Calculator – this model only A4 hardcover copy Mathematical Set Project Maths Copy available to buy in school (Room2)
History 1 A4 hardback copy 1 120 page softback copy Geography Religion Art A3 Plastic Clip Folder A3 Sketch Pad – Plain 2B pencil 6B pencil Home Economics 1 A4 hardback copy 1 120 page soft back copy Lunch box for cookery A4 ring binder Music 1 Manuscript copy Woodwork Technical Graphics Colouring Pencils Metalwork
Science 1 A4 ring binder 1 packet of folder dividers 1 packet of poly-pockets, Mathematical instrument set 1 A4 hardback copy 1 120-page softcopy Calculator (The same one as for Maths) Business 2 A4 hardback copy 1 packet of ploy-pockets French 1 A4 hardback copy 1 120-page softback copy 1 A4 Ring binder Poly-pockets SPHE (Social Personal and Health Education) 1 120 page softback copy
Pastoral Care Student Principal Behaviour for Learning Teacher Guidance Counsellor Learning Support Teacher School Completion Student Home School Liaison Teacher Counsellor Deputy Principal
Supports to Assist 1st Years Stay Safe Friends For Life Transition Program Mentor/Buddy Alert Program Homework Club Evening Study Counselling Services Numeracy Ninjas Don’t be mean behind the screen Working Things Out
Homework Club No Charge 1hour after school Monday & Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 Tuesday & Thursday 3:40 – 4:40 Fully Supervised
Evening Study No Charge for 1st years 1 hour after school Monday & Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 / 5:50 Tuesday & Thursday 3:40 – 4:40 / 5:30 Food available before starting Fully Supervised Register is maintained and absenteeism monitored.
Extra Curricular Activities Basketball Rugby Football Hurling Coding Camogie Soccer Spike Ball School Musical Coding Lunchtime activities
Way2Pay Online payment system for School Contribution Valid mobile number as on enrolment form Text message with link/password late June/July Receipts issued by text Cash only payment at office Cheques payable to Tipperary ETB only
Communication Critical to the relationship between School and Parents We strongly encourage Parents to engage with procedures and protocols that are currently in place. Please do not contact your son/daughter directly on their mobile phones throughout the day. Main office can deal with or communicate any issues/messages you may have.
Be familiar with the Student Journal and its contents. Look at journal every day or at least once a week. Sign the journal at the end of the week. Use the journal for notes in relation to leaving school. Check to ensure your son/daughter is doing homework. Ensure they have the necessary equipment, books etc. for every class.
Ensure they are in proper uniform e every day. Ensure good attendance at school Avoid, if possible, family holidays during the school year. Encourage them to be on time for school, as it is a life lesson. Emphasis on respect and punctually. Encourage them to actively take part. Attend Parent Teacher meetings
Uniform / Boys & Girls Navy Pants – Pleated Check Skirt is also an option for girls. Navy V – Neck Jumper (School Crest). White Shirt with Collar Black / Dark shoes. One pair of discrete earrings. Pupils must have shirts neatly arranged. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted
Student Journal Code of Behaviour Code of Discipline/ Ladder of Referral Permission to Leave School Message to Parents Report cards Positive Behaviour Tracker White Report Yellow & Red Report
See Student Journal for Protocols for “Singing Out”
Thank you for attending and listening. Any question Thank you for attending and listening. Any question ? Have a cup of tea and a chat. Mary Ryan