Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS)
Vision och goals To significantly improve human health through excellent research and education within the department´s profile areas. To create an attractive, creative and equal work environment where competence is recognized. Photo: Erik Cronberg/Selma Wolofsky Namn Efternamn 20 november 2018
Organization 8 divisions with a common department management. More then 500 employees and over 200 affiliated co-workers in 2017. Turnover of SEK 468 million in 2017. One of the largest departments at Karolinska Institutet (KI). Located at KI´s Campus Huddinge – an environment in which education, research and health care cooperates – as well as on, and near by, Campus Solna in Stockholm. Research Building Neo. Illustration: Tengbom Zanderska huset. Photo: Selma Wolofsky Biomedicum. Illustration: Berg CF Møller Architects Namn Efternamn 20 november 2018
Maria Eriksdotter, Head of Department Namn Efternamn 20 november 2018
Education Responsible for the undergraduate programs in nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and for the majority of the courses at advanced level. 11 specialist degree programes within nursing. NVS is also responsible for educating medical students in family medicine and geriatric medicine. Commissioned education, e.g Master's Courses in Dementia Care. Photo: Selma Wolofsky Namn Efternamn 20 november 2018
Doctoral education 170-180 registered doctoral students. Annually, about 30 of the PhD students defend their theses. Photo: Erik Cronberg/Selma Wolofsky Namn Efternamn 20 november 2018
Research Translational research from cell to patient to society. Focus on ageing. Internationally leading research within dementia, epidemiology and care sciences, as well as very successful research within the fields of cancer and rheumatology. Our co-workers publish over 500 scientific articles per year in leading international journals. Photo: Agneta Nordberg/Selma Wolofsky Namn Efternamn 20 november 2018
Collaboration A prominent role in developing academic competence within the health care system in geriatric medicine, primary care and rehabilitation. Close cooperation with the Stockholm County Council (SCC) and other healthcare providers. Extensive cooperation with other universities and society, both nationally and internationally. Photo: Erik Cronberg/Bengt Linderoth Namn Efternamn 20 november 2018 Namn Efternamn 20 november 2018