Your Ethical Principles


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Presentation transcript:

Your Ethical Principles Take a few minutes to list 3 ethical principles you have adopted for your life. What are they Where did you learn them and who taught them to you.

What would you do? Ethical Dilemma Activity Questions to think about when deciding what to do 1.) Is the action illegal? 2.) Does the action violate company or personal standards? 3.) Who is affected by the action and how are they affected? 4.) Also, think about the ethical principles that you listed in your bell ringer. Are you decisions following those principles?

What would you do?

Got Ethics? The importance of ethics is explored. What are employers expecting from you?

Ethics Guidelines for human behavior; the study of moral choice and values. Morals: Evaluated in terms of right and wrong. Formed from outside influences Parents, teachers, friends, religions, culture, etc. You must strive to recognize between right and wrong, then choose what is right.

Ethical Standards We have ethical standards to uphold in everyday life- LAWS Standard: Accepted levels of behavior to which individual behavior is compared. Don’t act in ethical manner= suffer consequences. Utility principle- the idea that the right action is the one that is best for everyone. “The Golden Rule”

Causes of Unethical Behavior Pressure Fear Greed Convenience

Complete Business Ethics Scenarios Applying principles of right and wrong to the workplace situations. Complete Business Ethics Scenarios Activity

Most Common Business Ethics Issues Misrepresenting hours worked Employees lying to supervisors Management lying to employees, customers, vendors or the public Misuse of organizational assets Lying on reports/falsifying records Sexual harassment Stealing/theft Accepting or giving bribes or kickbacks Withholding needed information from employees, customers, vendors or public

Code of Ethics A systematic set of rules and procedures used to guide behavior of an individual, a business, or a culture. Employee duties- fulfill the job responsibilities and give the employer a fair day’s work for the pay earned. Employee rights: equal opportunity, fair pay, safe working conditions. EEOA

Consequences of Unethical Behavior Personal You will be fired. Jail time if illegal- Martha Stewart Business Poor public relations may result Decrease profits for business Possible lawsuits Jail time for those involved if illegal- Enron

Whistle Blower If you work for a business and do not report unethical practices you could be held accountable. A employee who reports the activity may be identified as a whistle blower.

Why do people not always report unethical behavior? Didn’t believe action would be taken. Feared retaliation from others involved. Didn’t trust confidentiality. Feared not being a team player. Didn’t know who to contact. Nobody cares, why should I?

Top 10 Whistleblowers

Ethics IT’S your choice.. If you practice unethical behavior then it will become habit.

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