TITLE OF PAPER (ALL CAPITALS, ARIAL 32 or 36 BOLD) Authors (Arial 28 or 32 bold) Affiliation (Arial 28 or 32) Presented by: Presenter’s Name (Arial 28 or 32 bold)
Presenter’s Bio Name: Degrees and date earned: Affiliation: Present position: Work experience:
Template Here are the instructions for using this template: The template displays the ICSOBA logo at the bottom and the place and date of the conference, the logo at top right should be the logo of presenter’s company (or nothing if the presenter wishes so). The logo can be inserted as part of the template or used only on the title slide. The characteristics of the template are: White background, black text Arial 28 (title), 24 (main text, 1st level), 20 (2nd level), 18 (3rd level) – 16 (4th level - minimum size). Black text is recommended, but occasional colour could be used for enhancement. The title should be centred on left side of the company logo (if the logo is used). Graphs should be large enough to have readable text and scales. The tables should have large enough lettering to be readable from far on the screen. The slides have automatic numbering. 2
Template The logo at top right should be the logo of presenter’s company (or nothing if the presenter wishes so). The logo can be inserted as part of the template or used only on the title slide. To insert the company logo as part of the template: Select “View” from the menu and then “Slide Master”, From the Slide Master view, select the first slide and then click on logo box at top right. This will select the box which you delete and copy and paste your company logo in the same place, If you do not any logo, delete the existing box, Display Normal mode, Start using the Template. 3
Contents (Arial 28 bold, capitals at beginning of words) XXX (Arial 24 bold) YYY ZZZ 4
Introduction Xxx (24 bold) Yyy Zzz Aaa (20 bold or not) Bbb CCC Mmm (18 bold or not, minimum 16) Nnn CCC Zzz 5
Amperage Increase Strategy Example of readable table: The table shows main heat balance parameters:
Bath Height Control and Anode Stubs Due to good control on bath height there was rarely any rods rejected. Anode rod rejection an average percentage of 0.29 % for the period of 5 years,
Pot Operation: Metal Purity The average iron concentration in metal for entire operational period was 0.04%. The four peaks of Fe are due to stub washes.
Conclusions Xxxx Yyyy Zzzz