Magnoliposida The dicotyledons
Liliopsida The monocotyledons
stigma style ovary The carpel ovule megasporocyte micropyle
Creation of the megaspore
megaspore Creation of the megaspore
Creation of the female gametophyte
antipodals Polar nuclei synergids Egg nucleus Creation of the female gametophyte
antipodals Polar nuclei synergids Egg cell Mature female gametophyte = embryo sac
Review: meiosis Megasporocyte (2N) Megaspore (N) Mitosis and rearrangement Megaspore (N) Female gametophyte (N) Female gametophyte contains the egg cell
Stamen anther filament
Pollen sac microsporocyte Cross section of an anther
microspore microsporocyte Creation of microspores
Review: meiosis microsporocyte microspore Creation of microspores Next step: creation of male gametophyte
Tube cell nucleus Generative cell Pollen grain
Pollen germination Generative nucleus Tube nucleus
sperm Tube nucleus
Mature Male gametophyte sperm Tube nucleus
Review: meiosis microsporocyte (2N) microspore (N) Mitosis and rearrangement microspore (N) Male gametophyte (N) Male gametophyte contains the sperm
antipodals Polar nuclei synergids Egg cell Tube nucleus sperm
antipodals Polar nuclei synergids Egg cell Tube nucleus sperm
3N Primary endosperm nucleus Polar nuclei 2N Zygote Egg cell Double Fertilization
Seed coat endosperm embryo fruit