Prokaryote and Eukaryote
Prokaryotes Means before nucleus or before kernel DNA free floating Smaller No membrane bound organelles Examples include bacteria and archaea
Eukaryotes Means true nucleus or true kernel DNA in the nucleus Larger Membrane bound organelles Examples include Fungi, Protists, Plant, and Animal cells
Parts of the Cell
Cell Wall In plants only Provides structure and support to the plant cell Protects the cell membrane from rupturing if it fills with water Similar to the frame of a house
Cell Membrane In plant and animal cells Separates the inside of the cell from the outside environment Allows the transport of molecules in and out of the cell Keeps some things in and some things out
Cytoplasm Fills the cell and surrounds the organelles Some chemical reactions take place here Jelly-like substance Acts like packing peanuts in a cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum Complex delivery system Smooth ER- stores some particles (ions) that the cell might need later. Packages fats and oils Rough ER- Called “rough” because it has ribosomes on it; site where proteins are created by ribosomes
Ribosomes Hook amino acids together to make proteins Built by the nucleolus Can be free floating or located on the Rough ER Ribosomes
Golgi Complex Processes and transports proteins and other cell products Similar to a post office for a cell
Lysosomes Only found in animal cells Digests food particles and other cell waste Gets rid of anything the cell can’t use Like a garbage disposal for a cell
Mitochondria Breaks down food to make ATP ATP is energy for the cell Also known as “The Powerhouse of the cell”
Chloroplasts Plant cells only Makes food for the plant in the form of sugars
Vacuole In plant cells only Stores water and waste
Nucleus Control center of the cell Contains DNA (arranged in chromosomes) DNA contains all the instructions for what the cell needs to make and do
Nuclear Membrane Surrounds the nucleus Keeps the nucleus separate from the cytoplasm Allows for the transfer of certain materials (i.e. proteins)
Nucleolus Contained in the nucleus Contains materials needed to make ribosomes and then produces the ribosomes
Plant Cells vs Animal Cells Cell Wall Lysosome Chloroplast Large vacuole for water storage