Reminders ENGL 1101-384, 2018 Spring Semester
Criteria for scoring (1) Guideline: Directly address the topic. Note: This criterion is essential in academic writing. Question: Does the writing directly address the topic? Yes. No. Extenuating circumstances?
Criteria for scoring (2) Guideline: Organize your thought into focused paragraphs. Question: Does the author provide focused paragraphs for the reader? Yes. No. Extenuating circumstances?
Criteria for scoring (3) Guideline: Formulate your thoughts in grammatically complete sentences. Question: Does the author formulate her/his thoughts in grammatically complete sentences? Yes. No. For the most part.
Three criteria for scoring Directly address the topic. Organize your thoughts in focused paragraphs. Formulate your thoughts in grammatically complete sentences.
Topic, In-class #3 Topic: What are the most important things that you need to accomplish this semester? Explain. In the opening paragraph, does the reader see a clear direction for the writing? Based on the opening paragraph, can the reader accurately predict the total number of paragraphs? Based on the opening paragraph, can the reader accurately predict the focus of the paragraphs? How might a writer accomplish this?
Example #1: Is this a good opening paragraph? Explain. This semester, since it is my first semester in college, it is important for me to accomplish my goal of finishing this semester with nothing less than a B. This is important to me not only because it is my goal to get a degree in the next few years, but because it will show my growth as a person; it has always been a priority of mine to make sure I am the best, most educated version of myself that I can be. I plan on accomplishing these things by working on Mainly 3 things— time management, studying, and reflection/correction.
Example #2: Is this a good opening paragraph? Explain. My major is nursing and as anyone may know nursing school can be hard to get into. Well not for anyone who has a 3.5 gpa and above, so that is one of my goals this semester. There are three other important things that I would like to accomplish this semester, make an effective study schedule, understanding every term in my anatomy class and reducing my stress. I believe these three objectives are all important to reaching my number one goal this semester.
Example #3: Is this a good opening paragraph? Explain. This semester I need to have perfect attendance, I need to use my time wisely, become a better writer, and finish the semester with good grades.
Example #4: Is this a good opening paragraph? Explain. This semester of college will have many ups and downs. But you have to overcome the negatives and turn them into a positive. You need to be able to talk to people in a friendly way. You need to learn how to manage your time properly. You need to learn to adapt to circumstances that are not in your favor. Lastly you have to pass your classes.
Example #5: Is this a good opening paragraph? Explain. Coming in to this semester, I would like to accomplish a lot things. My accomplish list for this semester is a long one, but I would like to tell you about the most important ones that I most accomplish before the end of the semester. I would like to accomplish a better studying habit, getting good grades, and also getting back my financial aid.
Example #6: Is this a good opening paragraph? Explain. When I think about all the things I could accomplish this semester, trying my best and passing my classes seem to be most important. Trying my best keeps me learning. Passing my classes keeps me on track. Both coincide and, are essintial for my success.
Example #7: Is this a good opening paragraph? Explain. I have three goals that I need to accomplish this semester that are really important: good time management, good grades and building relationships with my peers and professors. These things are important because they are crucial to my success after college. Without success in the three factos listed above, I believe I will be crippling myself in life in general and in my life as a business person.